Jeremiah Collins chapter 1

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Jeremiah Collins

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(and sorry for absence)

"Wait mom, I'm moving as fast as I can" I yell downstairs to my family, who has been waiting downstairs for almost 1 hour.

"I knew you were gonna do this that's exactly why I told you our plane was at 4:00 am" my mom yelled impatiently

I began to walk downstairs with a overstuffed Louis Vuitton suitcase and a completely filled Michael Kors drawstring backpack and an extra PINK backpack packed with unnecessary things such as snacks, hygiene and hair care products,my wallet,extra clothes, hats, shoes, and makeup.

I stood at the bottom of the stairs and stated at her and said "what do you mean our flight isn't at 4:00, so you lied just so I can hurry up"

My parents looked at each other then me and semi yelled "Yuppppp"

"You always finish packing up at the last minute, and you always claim your 'fashionably late' for stuff" my dad said seeming irritated

"Well I'm ready now" I said irritated "dang" I mumbled

"What did you just say, because I can cancel this trip to moviepro, especially since you only going for one boy, what's his name Jeremy, Joshua,jim-gco" semi yelled my mom

I said trying to breathe from laughing too hard "mom its vidcon and I'm not just going for one person let alone bo-
Shoot I shouldn't have said that"

"You probably shouldn't have, so you being a player now" she said jokingly but seeming serious

"No, I'm going to see his whole group of friends and some.....and mom by the way his name is Jeremiah Collins" I stated trying to make it not seem obvious I was kinda just going for him

"Well excuuuseeee me, let's go then so you can see his whole SQUAAADDDDD" my mom yelled trying to sound 'hip'


On the plane:

"So explain to me who is in Jeremiah's group of friends" my mom turned to me and asked

"Well, there's tpindell, Travis Williams, Charles alattore,Kristopher London, mysticgotjokes, and a lot more there's too many for me to name right now" I told her.

"Okayyyy,I don't know any of those guys" she said confused

"Ughhhh, its fine I will show you them later" I said tired and irritated

30 mins later

"Y/n wake up, its time to got see Jerem-gco" my mom said yelled standing 10 feet away from me

"IM UP, WHERE IS HE" I yelled not remembering we were on a plane

"Y/n be quiet we are not at vidcon yet, but we are in LA so let's go check in our hotel and get some food, then we can go to vidcon" my mom said trying not to yell directly at me because of my bad refluxes

2 months earlier
"Y/N WAKE UPPPPP" my mom yelled in my ear

You swing

Flashback over

No ones POV

You make it to the hotel clean up,eat,then get ready to arrive at vidcon and see lots of people so you all decide to split up and discover vidcon for yourselves.


I see lots of people walking in different directions, I just don't see and youtubers or any video celebrity's yet.I look in so many different way looking for youtubers until

"Ouch" you yell rubbing your head while on the ground It feels like i have just ran into a wall

"Hi, I'm so sorry my name is-"

I looked up and stopped rubbing my head and cut him off by saying "Your Kristopher London, sorry for cutting you off and bumping into you, I want paying attention"

"No, it was my fault I wasn't paying attention, here let me help you"

He helped me up

"Thank you" I said

"Your welcome" he said standing there staring down at me

(He's 6'10 your 5'2)

You turn around to see who he's staring at, but it turns out he is staring at you

"Ummm" you say breaking the silence

"Oh, sorry for staring you just look familiar, do I know you, do you live down here or something" he said continuing to stare

"N-no I L-live in y/s (your state(vidicon takes place in Anaheim, California))
You say nervously

"That's it I know you through Jeremiah" he said with the look of relief in his face

" I-i don't know J-Jeremiah personally"
I said starting to blush

"No, he showed us your twitter, he told us he follows you, he knows your name and everything, but not in a weird way, I wouldn't be shocked if he told us he liked you, he talks about you a lot" Kris said

"Oh really" I said smirking and blushing

"Yup, as a matter of fact he would be happy to see you I will take you to him right now" Kris said turning around looking around until finally


Jeremiah starts to walk over with Charles, and Travis..

What happens next
Stay tuned to find out
I will update tomorrow

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