Written With Hearts - Chapter Five

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Trying to do up my high heels, after two large glasses of wine, is actually harder than you can ever imagine. "KC, give me a hand, will you?" I huff, all red-faced after unsuccessfully trying for a few minutes.

"Come here," she laughs, bending down to do them up for me.

After annoyingly doing them within seconds, I roll my eyes. "Show off!"

Patting my bent knees, she slowly stands to help me rise from my seat at the end of the bed. "Come on, let's go and partaaaaaaay!" she sings, doing a girly shake of her ass.

KC and I have gone all-out for the glam look this evening. I'm wearing a slinky one-shouldered bodycon dress, in a striking midnight blue colour; finished off with my, hard to get on because I'm a tad drunk, Mary Jane platforms.

KC looks gorgeous in her pale gold lace shift dress and her peep toe platform sling backs. Hair wise, we've reversed how we usually wear our hair. My straight hair is now tumbling loose curls, and KC's corkscrew curls are now smooth and sleek. Damn hot and ready to have a good time!


The bar is ridiculously full. The atmosphere is absolutely buzzing with post-signing relief. As we stand there, soaking up the vibe, a pair of hands cover my eyes. "Guess who!" is said in a singsong voice, followed by loud giggles.

I turn, pulling free from the palms that cover my eyes. "Saffy!" We overzealously hug, swinging from side to side.

"I just texted you, we were wondering where you got to." She glances across the room, trying to see the rest of the gang through the thick group of people.

"We had a couple of drinks back in our room, shall I get in the next round?" I ask, with my arm draped across her shoulder.

Saffy smiles with a keen nod. "If you want to, babe. It's cheaper to buy by the bottle, though."

"That's cool," I say, grinning back at her.

"We are all sat right at the back, on the left hand side." Saffy tries pointing their table out to me, but I can't see shit through all the bodies that surround us.

"I'll find you," I answer, turning around, thinking about trying to squeeze my way through to the bustling bar.

Saffy quickly hugs me, kissing my cheek. "See you in a bit, you may be a while with that lot." Her eyes gesture towards the stupidly busy bar.

A small sigh is expelled from me, as I try to figure out how the hell am I going to get our drinks sometime this century. I decide to just politely push my way right through the middle. All's fair in love and alcohol, right?

Grabbing KC's hand so that she follows, we penetrate the throng of people. Repeatedly, I apologise to those that we disturb, as we carefully get closer to the bar. With my destination now closely in my sights, I speed up when I notice a tiny gap that KC and I could just about squeeze into. Checking she's still behind me, and in my haste, I collide with someone's arm and their drink. "Shit! Sorry!" I apologise, quickly trying to avoid the spillage from landing anywhere near my dress.

"Woah!" Is all I hear, as the voice turns to face me square on.

Fuck! Of all the people I have to knock into. It has to be Yate Sheridan! "Sorry, we were just trying to get to the bar," I sheepishly explain.

As hard as his frown is, his eyes quickly become warmer. "I can see that." He grins, wiping his wet fingers on his jeans.

I glance at his drink, noticing that it's now half empty. "Shall I get you another lager?" I ask, wondering if he'll accept anything from me after the awful way I was with him this morning.

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