Chaos hour

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Well I made it through half of the day I only have one class with Eden which is 1st period which sucks being she's my only friend I have. I have 3rd lunch and it's with most of the cool kids so I sit alone at my usual spot under the shady willow tree in the courtyard and eat my packed lunch. It may seem really sad that I only have one friend and she's not in the same lunch block as me but sitting alone under the tree is quite peaceful. Lunch is over and I go back to my favorite subject ever science this year I'm taking chemistry and we have to have a lab partner the Chem teacher Ms. Dole paired me with the new kid Jaxx. We sat beside each other in awkward silence trying to come up with small talk to at least get to know each other. We finally talked I asked him where he was from. He said London but originally from Florida. He had a southern British accent which was kinda cool and he looked very fit but stayed to him self in a hoodie and had blue hair that was shaved all around and long in the middle. After Chem class was over it was time for 6th period drama which I was happy because I get to play another person and we know everybody already and we just goof off in class reading monologues and improv. I found out Jaxx had the same class with me and I checked with his schedule he had band as well. Mr. Dandy paired me and Jaxx up for a improv scene we had to think fast he had his idea right on the spot he started pointing in thin air asking me do I see a purple elephant and I said no but I see a purple ant And we argued about if it was an elephant or ant and we come to realize we were hallucinating really badly from a bad piece of pizza.

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