The second year

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So this year was my second year of having ducks and I got four as usual. But one of them passed away so now I currently have three ducks and they are a total and complete pain!! I have one duck and my brother has two I have one boy and my brother has one boy and one girl. And again they all have names mines name is Jeff. My brothers are named Sammy and Lily loud mouth. They are all the same bread unlike last year, in which case the boys like the girl and the boys fight all of the time over her. Sammy always wins.

     So my duck Jeff is like super shy and always hides behind the others even though he is like totally visible. But he is smaller then Sammy which means he is very bad a fighting. (Now have you ever seen a duck fight) They try to like rip each other's heads off but when they are in the water it's different they try to drown each other. And rip out feathers.

     This part is about * getting the lady*
So the males like I said battle to like the death and in the process they puff up and are huge. Then they make a bunch of weird calls and the lady moves her head around like she's dancing. Then they fight again.

     Now I really haven't talked much about the ducks themselves and the personalities Lily load mouth is really loud and proud also slightly more powerful then the others she leads them around. Sammy is the Alfa male. And finally there is Jeff, the shy guy.

That's my second year so far the other chapters will be about funny stories with them.

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