Chapter 15: This is the End

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Hey guys, I was so excited for you all to read this part, that I decided to post it a day early! Enjoy!

Annalee paced the floor behind Rand. “I can't believe he's been playing us. He had to have known we were watching.”
“I've triple checked the footage, Ebony has locked me out. He's got a loop going, and I can't see shit.” Rand explained.
“Did you try to hack into the electrical plant?”
“Yeah.” He laughed a bit. “I am the best hacker in the country, and I can't get in. In order to breach the security cameras, I need you to access this computer from the plant’s mainframe. I was able to see a little glimpse of Ebony before he left the cave in the North Pole. He took the insignia with him.”
“In that case, this is our chance to get it back.” Annalee looked out over the railing as Daniel and Allis walked in. “Welcome back, we heard everything, Allis. All right, Acteon Syndicate. We received our official orders to breach, the heli is waiting. Rand, I think you should come with us. You're no use here and your goggles can come in handy. After we get to the plant, we are to breach and assess. As soon as they can, back-up will arrive. Pack up, and get ready, team. Acteon Syndicate is moving out.”

“Allis, wait.” As Annalee and Rand boarded the helicopter, Daniel placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Daniel, what's the matter? If you don't think I should do this, I understand.”
“No, it's not that. I, if this is it, if this is the end, I need to know if you'll stay. With me, with us. Will you return to your old life, or?”
She smiled. “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”
“Come on, you idiots.” Annalee called. “Let's get a move on!”
Allis took Daniel’s hand and ran after the helicopter.

“Descend, as quietly as possible. We have the element of surprise, for now.” Uli instructed the pilot.
As they landed, another helicopter began it’s descent.
“That must be the back-up.” Inise realized as she leapt from her helicopter. As the Acteon Syndicate stood behind her, the other helicopter stopped and floated above them.
“Allis, watch out!” Diomedes pushed her away as bullets flew from the copter.
“Go, run, back onto the heli!” Uli yelled.
“Ah, shit!” Inise fell and held her hand to her leg. “Uli, my bite. It's bleeding.”
Diomedes prepared to leap from the helicopter when it quickly started to rise. “No, stop!”
The pilot shook his head. “My orders are to return back to headquarters. They come from above your head.”
“No, you can't leave her!” Uli screamed over the noise of the blades. She cried as Ebony stood over Inise and grinned.

“We have to go back.” Annalee yelled at her mother. “He has the innocent!”
“I will send another team to rescue Inise. Uli, you are to stay here.”
“The Acteon Syndicate never leaves a man behind.” Annalee said behind tears.
“The Acteon Syndicate is a fabrication of your imagination, Uli. You are too emotionally involved.”
“You need more emotion! You refuse to acknowledge me as your daughter, you refuse to call me by name? Why? Because Dad picked it?”
“You have no right to talk about him. This is not about your father.” Annalee’s mother stood up. “I will not listen to your insubordination, Uli. Leave, now!”
“If my friend, no, my sister dies, because you are too much of a stubborn bitch to send my team, the best you have, to save her, that's on you. If you refuse to treat me like your daughter, I refuse to treat you like my mother, Claire.” With that, Annalee stormed out of her office and into the hallway, where Daniel and Rand sat on a bench.
“Where are you going?” Rand asked as Annalee stormed away.
Annalee cocked her gun as she loaded onto the elevator, Daniel and Rand behind her. “To save my best friend.”

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