Promise ( Hajime x reader fluff! )

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requested :  DanganRonpa123

ok so I dunno much about Hajime >.< so please excuse any ooc! and if anyone is going to request anything , please make sure to add which gender the character should be and stuff like that ^-^;


                                                                                         The two walked hand in hand through the forest as the hot sun beams peaked through the leaves and trees , casting a greenish shadow on the dirt path. Their hands sweating from the tight grip as they continued following the small dirt path. "When are we there?" She continued whining as she tried to peek through the green tie he had tied around her eyes , as small sweat drops had started forming on the bridge of her nose.
"Soon , just wait a little more..." He tried to reassure her as they continued walking for a little while , finally arriving at a dead end filled with bushes and trees. He gently removed his tie from her sweaty face , as she started blinking in confusion. He lazily tied the tie around his neck , breathing out slowly.

"Where are we..?" She asked in confusion as she rubbed the sweat off of her forehead.

"You'll soon see.." He replied softly as he gave her a sweet smile she soon returned back.

"Here" He waved at her as he crouched down to the bushes , removing some branches as he revealed a secret passage. He didn't wait for her to respond as he crawled his way in , soon followed by her doing the same.

"Don't you remember?" He asked as they continued crawling , his ahoge getting stuck in the thin branches from time to time.

"No , I wish I did... but after the accident I don't seem to remember much.." She replied looking sadly down to the dirt , her hair getting tangled in the branches as she continued crawling after her boyfriend.

"I know , just wanted to see if you remembered..." He replied sadly as he stopped for a second to think.

"What is it..?" She asked confused as she rubbed of the small sweat drops forming on her forehead.

"Oh nothing , let's just continue.." He replied thinking , as he soon continued crawling through the whole. Soon enough he started to crouch up , out of the small whole.

"here" He spoke up stretching his hand out for her to reach. She slowly took his hand as he pulled her up to her feet , as her hair was getting stuck in the branches.

"here it is" He started , waiting for her to respond. She took her time to study her surrounding , trees surrounded a small area were rays of sun hit the hardest. It seemed like the only entrance was the small hole she just exited a while ago. A small pond with clear water was located close to were they were standing , flowers of all colours and kinds grew on the small bushes and light green grass. She stared at it in awe as a small gasp escaped her soft lips. She felt memories flood to her as she stared at the simple location in awe , her eyes glimmering as a single tear of happiness escaped her big ( E/C ) eyes.

"I remember...." She spoke up softly as she sharply turned to her boyfriend looking at him with a big grin on her soft face. She hugged him tightly as she chuckled softly into his chest , letting tears stream down her red cheeks.

"I promised you I would take you back to were we first met. Remember that too?" He asked smirking slightly as he hugged her back , burying his face into her hair as a comfort.

"Hinata of course I do! This is more than what I could ask for!" She exclaimed as she started to feel slightly dizzy from suddenly remembering so much in such a short time. She chuckled as she placed one hand on her head as she sat down on the soft grass. She looked up to her boyfriend who was starring at her in awe as he sat down besides her.

"( Y/N )..." He spoke up softly as he placed one hand on top of hers , starring into her big ( E/C ) eyes.
"Words can't describe how happy I am... I thought you would never remember , I'm glad the doctor suggested me to take you somewhere that would possibly get back your memories..." He replied softly , starring into her eyes as he started to get into deep thought.

"Mhmm..." She hummed back , closing her eyes and leaning her head down on his shoulder. He blushed as he started petting her hair leaning his head on hers , starring down at her beautiful form.

"Do you remember that i Love you too..?" He Said as he chuckled softly making her look up.

"Mhmm.." She replied with a quiet chuckle , nudging her head on his shoulder motioning him to continue petting her. He placed his hand on her hair once again as he continued petting her soft hair.

The sun was already lowering it self on the orison , leaving big shadows of the trees hovering over the both. They soon went back home to get some rest to later tell the doctor about the big news. ( Y/N ) insisted they would have their wedding there someday. Hinata gladly took that offer.

♡danganronpa x reader one shots♡ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora