Chapter two

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Pounding rain kept falling down on the doctor, child and young maiden but they final made it bakers street .
" This is it 221B bakers street " Elizabeth said in wonder
" indeed it is miss now let us knock and wait" Dr Dawson knocked and a elderly women who was probably a servant opened the door
" good evening miss is this the home of the famous basil of bakers street" Dr Dawson asked
" indeed it is he not here at the moment but your welcome to come in and wait" the servant answered tiredly
" oh no it not for me it just the child umm"
Dr Dawson looked to his side and Olivia was gone Elizabeth took a look inside and saw her and so did the servant.
" oh my you poor dear you must be chilled to the bone... Oh never mind I have just the thing let me grab you some of my fresh cheese crumpets" the servant scurried off to the kitchen

Olivia sat in a grand chair and let her eyes wonder around the room, as Elizabeth did the same taking in every detail. Aloud thunder crashed as Dr Dawson placed his coat on a coat stand.
" Ah the villain slipped this time I shall have him"
A mouse scurried in shouting "out my way" as his hat landed upon Dawson's head.
"I say (takes hat of creating a pop) who are you?"
" what oh ( pulls on this head to reveal a charming young mouse) Bails of bakers street my good fellow"
Basil pulled a cord to deflate this costume he wore to show a very thin body.
" Mr Bail I need your help" little Olivia cried
" yes all in good time" Basil said as he made his way through the the room
" but-but you don't understand I'm in terrible trouble" Olivia said in a nervous voice
" if you'll  excuse me" basil said humming to himself

" Now see here this young lady-.." Dr Dawson tried to gain Basil's attention
" could you hold this please Doctor?" Basil said passing Dawson a gun which flipped in his direction, he began to wonder how he knew he was a doctor.
" wait a minute how did you know I was a doctor?"
" quite simple really you sawed your cuff with a lambert stick which only a surgeon use...........also you have recently returned back from Afghanistan by requested by our I right ?" ( throws pillows at Dawson who catches them)
" well yes I'm Dr David Q.Dawson and you have amazed me by your  knowledge "
" it alimentary dear doctor"
Basil aimed his gun at the pillows pulling the trigger , Dawson dumps the pillows on the chair and  ducks behind the other side of the chair taking Olivia with him. Elizabeth hides behind a table containing chemicals.

As a shot was heard basil blew at the end of the gun,as the content of the pillow flew around the room.The servant heard the shot and scurried to find out the cause of the noise.
" wait in heavens name.....oh oh( spites out pillow feathers) my good pillows"
" mr basil how many times have I-"
" yes yes all taken care of.... Mmmmmm I believe I can smell some of you delightful cheese crumpets why don't you offer our guest some" basil said as I pushed the servant out of the room towards the kitchen
'But-but I-" the door was slammed in her faces and basil began to search for the bullet.
Elizabeth had come out of her hiding places and found the dainty bullet by the book shelve. Elizabeth picked it up and came into Basil's eye of sight.
" now I know that bullet is here somewhere-ummm thank you miss......" Basil trailed off waiting for Elizabeth to fill in the gap
" Elizabeth, Elizabeth Jones"  Elizabeth said in a sweet tone that made the detective blush and tongue-tied.
Little Olivia took the opportunity to introduce her self
" I'm Olivia ,Olivia flaversham"
This brought the detective out of his dazes and take the bullet from Elizabeth , making his way to the table holding scientific equipment .
" yes- whatever"
" yes but you don't understand-" Olivia was shushed by this great detective which started to make Elizabeth's blood boil in anger.

After basil had analysed the bullet he was left in despair as it was not a match, he walked over to his chair and began to play his violin.
" Olivia try again if he does not answer you I'll slap that no good detective" Elizabeth said in a shush tone.
Dawson chuckled at Elizabeth remark as Olivia made her way over to the gloomy detective.

" now will you please Liston to me.. My daddy gone and I'm all alone" little Olivia cried
Basil stopped playing his violin and turned to Olivia
" young lady this is  a most Inopportune time"
As he turns back to playing his violin as he continues to talk
" surely your mother knows where he is?"
Olivia looked down at her feet before returning her gaze to basil
" I-I don't have a mother"
The violin made a horrible screech as Dawson and Elizabeth gasped

" See here I have no time for lost fathers" basil said with a stubborn tone that made Elizabeth blood boil
"I didn't lose his he was taken by a bat"
" did you say BAT"
" ye-yes" Olivia said quiet startled by the sudden change in the detective
" did he have a crippled wing?"
" I don't know but he had a pegged leg"
" Ah" basil said triumphantly

" what is it do you know him" Dawson asked
" that bat named fidget  is the henchman to the nefarious Professor ratigan!" Basil said as he pointed to the picture above the mantelpiece
" ra-ratigan" Elizabeth stuttered
" yes my dear he's a genies the Napoleon of crime" basil replayed with rhythm in his voices before straightening his posture to continue speaking.
" now my dear how can I assist you this fine evening"
" your flattery of words will get you nowhere but I am here on important message from the Queen, she wishes for you to investigate the Princess suitor, as he is no man of elegance and is quite shifty she was this for you to investigate immediately" Elizabeth said standing tall
" well if it his for her majesty I will be on the case straight away"
" No you will help this young girl first then assist the queen"
" no buts I'm sure the queen and her royals highness the princess will not mind a small Delay, for such a sweet young girl to find her father"
" very well miss young lady please tell me everything the slightest detail may be important"

The rain continued to fall as the tale of the missing toy maker was revealed , to the great detective.

(To be continued)
( hey guy hope you had a great Christmas and new year. please don't kill me put your pitchforks and torches away, I can explain. I have been super duper busy with sixth form and deadlines, I'm surprised that I still have time to sleep. So this book maybe short but I have been working on other projects like "fantasy" and a few chapter on " love will find a way. So I love you all and hopefully when things calm down I'll be back to writing stories)

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