Chapter three

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The rain continued to fall as the tale of the missing toy maker came to an end.
Basil was pacing up and down with his pipe in hand.
" this is most intriguing with it many twist and turns" basil stopped his pacing and came In front of Olivia
" Now are you sure you've told me everything , the slightest detail maybe important"
Little Olivia thought a moment before she continued
" it just as I said........then my father was gone"
" what do you make of it?" Dr Dawson asked basil as the great detective made his way towards the window with little Olivia and Elizabeth following him.
" ratigan up to something but the truth is what would he want with a toy maker?..." Basil continued walk so did Olivia , but Elizabeth stopped as she sensed something starting at her. She moved closer to the window as a strike of lighting went and revealed a bat hanging upside down
"AHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Elizabeth cried catching the attention of basil and Dawson.
" quickly Dawson not a moment to lose " basil said grabbing his coat
" right behind you basil" Dawson said startled

The two mice's reached outside to find no bat
" look like he given us the slip" Dawson explained
" oh on the contrary here are some footprints that could belong to our pegged leg friend"
Basil examined the footprints as Dawson picked up a cap that was on the ground.
"Umm... Basil?"
" ah excellent work Dawson " basil cried as he made his way back inside

Back inside the servant gave Elizabeth a glass of water as she made her, way over to Olivia who was waiting by the door.
" now my dear there nothing to worry about.." She said soothingly to Olivia
Basil came back in almost trampling little Olivia if the servant haven't moved her.
Dawson came in a little after basil he took little Olivia's hand and made his way over to Elizabeth, as she was sat in a chair opposite to Basil's.
" the scoundrel quite gone now my dear" Dawson said to try and not frighten them , until basil interrupted
" but not for long miss flamhammer and Jones"
" flaversham" Olivia cried
" whatever. Now we simply pursue our peg-legged friend until he leads us to the girls father."
" then you'll get my daddy back " Olivia cried with joy as she gave basil a death grip of a huge
"Yes.......and quite soon if I'm not mistaken. Now , hurry along Dawson we must be on our way to...Toby's"
" Toby's?" Dawson asked with a puzzled faces
"Oh you must meet him he's just the chap for this."
" you want me to come ?"
"Ha! I should think a stouthearted army mouse like you... Would leap at the chance for adventure"
" well I am rather curious "
As the two mice where chatting Olivia had grabbed her coat
" wait for me I'm coming too!!" Olivia went to grab her scarf that was placed under the violin, causing it to tip and start to fall on the ground. Basil made a dash for it catching it before it hit the floor.
" what this is no business for children"
" are we going to take a cab?" Olivia asked as she put cheese crumpets into her pockets

Basil rolled his eyes and sighed " my dear I don't think you understand it will be quit danger-" not noticing the violin he had placed back on his chair he sat on it "-ous. Why, you...look at..." Basil anger started to rise " young lady you are most definitely not accompanying us. And that is final!!"

" Can I say something?" Elizabeth asked in a small voices basil turned his attention to the young maiden, his eyes softened as he made his way towards her bending down to be at eye level with her.
"My dear if you ask to come on this case I cannot guaranteed your safety or the child's" his voice was soft laced with emotion
"Then that the risk that needs to be taken , in order to find her father you must take her I'll keep an eye on her please basil!"
"Very well my dear but I want you near so I'll know you'll be safe"
"Okay thank you basil".

In the house of Sherlock Holmes basil,olivia,Elizabeth and Dawson appeared by opening a panel to peer in the magnificent house.
" Now not a word out of you is that clear-" basil was cut off as he was shushed by Elizabeth. World famous Sherlock Holmes was in his study with his partner getting ready to go to the theatre to investigate his new case. After they left the mice's made there way out to look around the place.
"Toby.......Toby..." basil called as Olivia asked Dawson who Toby was.
"Well my dear Toby," Dawson turned to basil and asked "basil who is this Toby chap?" The ground began to shake as a giant basset hound appeared before them
" Ah-ha he is now" basil said pointing to the hound .
" Dawson. Toby" basil said pushing Dawson towards the great hound
" charmed" Dawson said but the great hound growled at him
" now Toby stop.. See he sit" basil said before continuing
" so sorry Dawson you see Toby has a remarkable sense of smell" 
Toby started sniffing the ground until he came to a foot rest which revealed little Olivia accompanied by Elizabeth .
" hello Toby " Olivia said as he started sniffing her causing her to giggle .
" silly doggy......... Would you like a crumpet?"
Toby bent down and licked the crumpet out of Olivia's hand , allowing her to climb up the great hound and rub his stomach
" now Toby I need you- *cough to get the hound attention * " basil said  Olivia slides off of Toby tummy and landed in Dawson's arms

" now,now Toby I want you to find this fiend!" Basil continued as he started to take on Toby aggressive and playful behaviour.
"Yes,you know his type . A villain.A scoundrel! Low brow. Close set eyes.broken wing."
Toby paused and looked at basil, confused at the last piece of the description.
" Oh , he's a peg-legged bat with a broken wing"
As the two were growling and barking at one another basil said " yes! Yes! That's the spirit! Got his sent" Toby nodded
" good boy , good boy!"basil turned back around with Toby's lead to find the hound facing Olivia and Dawson . He raced to face the hound and continued to speak
" miss flanchester" both Dawson and Olivia shouted "flaversham" " whatever. Your father will be found in no time now climb aboard" basil said.

Elizabeth was watching from a distance as she watched the amazing detective at work. Basil was so much more than what the rumours described. Elizabeth was pulled out of her thoughts as Toby made his way over to her. "Oh no I'm not good with dogs" Elizabeth thought as the hound made his way closer to her, she backed up until there was no where left to go .
" hey are you okay Elizabeth?" Basil voice reach Elizabeth ears she looked up to see him with his hand out reaching towards her.
" I'm quite fine so where are we off to next?"
" well I don't know my dear that why Toby will lead us the way" " oh just great!!!" Elizabeth thought.
" so my dear your going to have to come up here"
" I guess I do then" Elizabeth reached her hand out for Basil's as he pulled her up behind him.
" comfortable my dear?" Basil asked
" can we just go please" Elizabeth said quite uneasy.
" alright Toby seek him"
The great hound raced out of the house and out on to the road where he sniffed about, until he found the sent of our fiend howling he raced of in the direction the sent was coming from. Elizabeth clang to basil for dear life with her arms around his waist . Basil was quite shocked by this but said nothing as he placed his hands upon her arms. Olivia hand her tiny arms around Elizabeth and Dawson was hanging on by Toby's tail, as they made their way into the night.

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