When I was Your Man

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Gintoki watched the familiar redhead from afar. A familiar bright smile and pair of curious yet excited eyes graced her innocent face as she cut a portion of the big, elegant cake. She was dressed too unusually today --that long, white gown and the intricate way her long hair was tied in a bun making her look more astonishing than ever-- but her familiar greediness was still there as she took a big forkful of the cake for herself, instead of feeding it to her partner according to the customs. Her cute way of realizing her mistake made everyone laugh, but Gintoki was all too familiar with her antics so he only gave out a smile. This smile, however, slowly faded when he took notice of the young man beside her.

The familiar sandy-haired young man scooped some icing with his finger and put it on the tip of her nose, catching her completely off guard. This made the girl grit her teeth and scoop some icing herself, aiming for the guy's face, but he was able to dodge her attempts. In no time, the couple was in one of their typical fights but since everyone knew that this was just their own way of being sweet, they let the two enjoy their little scuffle and just laughed at them.

Gintoki was familiar with all of these, but somehow, familiarity was starting to sting. Hence, he took his eyes away from the sight and they quickly landed on the wine glass in front of him. No thinking required, he chugged the red liquid in one go but he got a bit frustrated when a few droplets made their way onto his blue necktie. "Tch," he muttered as he loosened the piece of cloth. He was never a fan of stiff formal wear so removing the small article wouldn't be so bad. Afterall, he has his own way of wearing his kimono so this was nothing out of the usual. 'Kagura has been influenced too much by that Michael and Jennifer show that she even made the dresscode Western...' he thought as he took off the necktie and undid the top two buttons of his shirt. 'Next time, I'll--' For some reason, his mental dialogue stopped and he froze for a second or two.

"Gin-san, where are you going?" Shinpachi's question made him realize that he was now standing up and extricating himself from their table. His answer was taking so long that the girl beside Glasses-boy was starting to look worried, too.

"Ano, Gin-san, are you not feeling well-done-steak?" Otsuu asked in a concerned tone, though her speaking habit was making it sound weird. This made Gintoki wonder if he really looked troubled or pale at the moment.

To ease up his girlfriend's worries, Shinpachi put a hand over hers and said, "Don't worry, Otsuu-chan. Gin-san probably just wants to take a dump or something-kel-twinkle-little-star."

"Why don't I just dump you two into another planet, huh?!" said the silver haired samurai, feeling a vein pop on his forehead. He didn't know if the couple's weird way of speaking was the one getting on his nerves, or if it was the fact that even Shinpachi has a lovelife now.

To make it worse, Hasegawa, who was sitting on his right, had to tease, "Maybe Gin-san is having a daddy's syndrome on his daughter's wedding day~ It's alright, Gin-san, you can have my shoulder to cry on!"

"Shut up!" Gin didn't want to be compared in any way to Umibouzu whose tears still haven't moved on. Too lazy to argue though, he merely left the chuckling three. He tried not to get much attention as he made his way out of the wedding hall. Good thing that the interesting and cute just-married couple was keeping the attention of the weirdest ones he knew; he was able to get out without any interruption. The last thing he heard was the announcement that it was now time for the couple's waltz, but it didn't entice him the least to stay and watch.

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