Hunted Genomes

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"I want them dead," said the voice through the phone. "All of them are a threat."

"They're only kids sir," replyed the agent.

"The longer these kids live the more danger the world is in if you don't destroy them we are all doomed." The monotone voice ordered sternly. The agent stared at his cell as his boss hung up on the other end. Why would they want to kill a bunch of kids wondered the agent as he reconnected his earpeace and started his car. What ever these kids did it must have been really bad.


A teenage girl stands at a podium in a room full of about 30 others. Most of the group are teenagers but some are younger children. The group is noisily talking amongst themselves waiting to be told why they were all called to this meeting in the first place.

"Whats going on, like I have like important stuff to do." A high pitch voice belonging to a plump blonde girl with pink highlights, that appear to be natural, broke through the air, shoking everyone out of their conversations. 

"Enough everyone, quiet!" Shouted the girl at the podium, strands of her long brown hair falling from her ponytail as she slammed her hands down on the hard wood. " Sources have picked up on some radio conversations from the FBI and CIA. They know about the research and see us as a threat and have decided to shut down the research and eradicate us, the test subjects, so that the truth of this research never reaches the public. This is dangerous for all of us. From this point on the entrences will be locked and secured and no one will be leaving. This is to protect us all. So I'm sorry Shelby but you will have to cancel your oh so important plans." said the girl looking at the blonde, who was throwing a hissy fit in the corner. " Leaving here means death for us all." the girl continued solomly.

"Untill the time that its safe you will all be given dorms and everyting will be provided for you. We are now working without the scientist and this time its for survival. If you have a problem with it...well to bad! The expirament must go on! Life as we all knew it is changed forever and we will be spending the forseeable future in the compound! I know you all don't like it but this is the way it is."She said her voice getting softer as she saw the tears in the eyes of the younger children." They see us as demons now, and you know what I say? I say we welcome them to HELL!" Finishing her speach the teen steped down from the podium and exited the auditorium.


The photo on the side is of the heroin Dani (the girl making the speech) and I hope you guys liked the prologue! Comment and vote!

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