"Wildness Leads To What?"

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(^Author Point Of View^)

*^Prologue Two^*

(^Ariana POV^)

"Your not going to that party Ariana forget it"was heard all yesterday morning, afternoon and night and was heard once more this morning for Ariana Rich, Ariana was a fun, loving, awesome fifteen girl she had no worries of anything but school she could care less for math to biology she's simply focused on her ability for everyone to like her for her not because her family got money or her looks Ariana doesn't even believe she's cute when she is as beautiful as they come Ariana attended South Haven County High School a school were folks where simple; that's if your not in the M clique.

what's the M clique? it's a fifteen beauty/friends forever pack its ran by the most beautiful beauty of all

Misty Richerson

No-one can be like Misty she's awesome, cool, beyond anything anyone could ever be I don't think people could if they wanted.

(^Emily POV^)

"Party what kind of party?"Mrs Field asked her daughter

"Just a simply party mom"Emily replied annoyed "Time it start to end?"

"Eight to twelve-"

"No you may not"Emily groaned and stormed upstairs without any care of what flew out her mouth Emily Field was a very pretty smart girl she had brains of Einstein


she had natural beauty but was doubtful every time a guy or her friends or anyone told her she knows she's one of a kind but she also know she want Misty beauty and brains

only Misty got brains and beauty- only one in the universe.

(^Hannah POV^)

"Why can't I it's a party mother, God!"Hannah Reese shouted at her mother

"Your fifteen what fifteen year older do you see going out at eight and returning at twelve or later?"her mother glared then headed to the kitchen cursing under her breath as did Hannah, Hannah Reese was a very talented fifteen year old girl and always got her way

so why not now?

Misty was lucky

she's always lucky...if I was her I would love my life.

(^Melinda POV^)

"The answer is no so stop asking"Mrs Whitefield told Melinda the young girl rolled her eyes and headed upstairs

"You need to be more cool like Misty's mom!"Melinda shouted down before slamming her door and flopped down on her bed and stared at the ceiling Misty is lucky I usually get what I wanted but that's only when I'm with Misty and her mom

I love Misty and her mom...only if it was me.

-I know I know short but hey y'all gotta read something anyway isn't it just so great everyone wanna be like Misty or have Misty life...that'll change in the next chapter. Also Ariana is me so yay spoiler alert on one of the characters!-

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