3| MAYA UNVEILS THE MYSTERY +gets pretty k00l pow3rs dude

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    It turns out Katie's apartment is either really drafty or Kaitlin literally just used her magical powers to break in.

   "She'll be fine with it!" Kaitlin shrugs it off and Maya pushes the door open, walking through.

   Everything looks as it should. But Katie is nowhere to be found.

   "She's probably still sleeping." Maya realizes. It's nine a.m British time mate.

   "Probably." Kaitlin sighs. "Don't worry. We know how to wake up people of her persona likeness."

   Maya smiles and walks over to the bedroom door. She knocks on the door. "Katie, wake up! Or we'll tell you what happens to the High Sparrow and the outcome of the battle of Winterfell!" Maya shouts.

   A scream sounds from the other room. "NOT THE SPOILERS!!!"

  "Oi! Shut it down there!" A muffled voices yells from upstairs.

   Katie's feet thump across the floor as she comes to open the door. She opens it and rubs her eyes under her glasses.

   "Hoi..." She says tiredly. "What's going on?"

    "We seek a prophecy about the Mysterious Mystery." Maya explains and Katie raises an eyebrow.

   "Okay, so it has happened!" Katie exclaims. "That's so cool! You're going to solve the mystery! Okay cool! The mystery is probably to find...um...one sec...I'm thinkin'..."

   "The mystery is to save the world by stopping the Narwhals from figuring it out, which will give them massive magical power if they do find the very powerful WALL SCONCE." Maya finishes.

   "Wait...Wall Sconce?" Kaitlin asks and Katie and Kaitlin exchange baffled glances. "I thought it was going to be Poseidon's Ivy."

   "You mean Poison Ivy?" Katie corrects.

    "No, Poseidon's Ivy is a real thing at the bottom of some body of water." Kaitlin says.

   "Why are we discussing that when we just found out the mysterious part of the mystery?" Maya asks.

   "Oh, yeah." Kaitlin chuckles.

   "We have to find the wall sconce. Which according to prophecy has the Forever Flame, and if absorbed can bring great power. The leaders of the Narwhals want it." Katie clarifies.

   "That was a load of information." Kaitlin says wistfully. "Where exactly do we start?"

   "I don't know, but how did I know the mystery?" Maya asks, shrugging. Her shrug causes a tissue box to fly out the window.

   "Not my tissues! It's allergy season!" Katie gasps. "It's fine though, I have a whole closet dedicated to allergy medicine and tissues."

   "Maya, you have magic!" Kaitlin exclaims. "Cool!"

   "Yeah!" Katie agrees.

   "That's pretty awesome." Maya says. "Now, what comes next?"


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