Chapter 1

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Rogue's pov

I stared the bags I had packed. Am I really going to do this? Abandon everything? Yes. Anything for my child. About a month ago, I had found out that I was pregnant. I don't know how I could be pregnant, but I was. And I had decided to leave Sabertooth. It was getting very difficult to hide my pregnancy. I haven't told anyone. Not even the father.

I let out a shaky breath. I had to do this. There is no way that I'm telling Sting he got me pregnant. A little under two months ago, there was a guild party. It was an annual thing and it's the one time I actually let myself drink. 

That was one of the worst mistakes I've ever made. 

I had gotten drunk, Sting had been drunk too. During the party he kissed me, and one thing lead to another. Three weeks later, I find out that I'm pregnant with Sting's child. I haven't told him and I never will, because I'm leaving. Sting didn't like me that way, that much was clear.

I don't want to see the look on his face if I told him what would happen. He had drunk more then me at that party, so he doesn't remember and hopefully never will. I left a small note on my former bed.

'Take care of Frosch. And don't try to find me.'

Short and right to the point. I wasn't taking Frosch with me. It hurt not too, it really did, but I don't want to answer her questions. I don't want to force her to leave her best friend, I couldn't do that to her. I grabbed my suitcase. It was filled with clothes and cash. I wasn't going to take the train, I was shadow traveling. This way, there will be no way to track me. I took one last look around, then melted into the shadows.

It took me about three days to reach my destination. I had to sleep outside and exhaust my magic, but it was worth it. I was standing in front of my new house in a small isolated village called Shizuku. It was small, quiet and it wasn't known very well which made it perfect.

I just hoped no one knows who I am. I walked into my house and looked around. It was cute and small, it was going to be perfect for me and my child. I was still debating whether or not I was ever going to return to Crocus and Sabertooth. Maybe I will when I'm forgotten.

Time skip

I sat in front of the cradle, watching my baby sleep. It was a baby boy. I had decided to name him James. He had Sting's eyes and my hair. His skin was pale like mine and I loved him to bits. He was adorable.

Time skip (there's gonna be a lot)

I sat in front of the TV, watching my son run around the house. He was five now and he had Sting's energetic personality. He wasn't quiet like me, he was loud but very kind. He often asked about his dad, but I never told him who he was.

Time skip

I watched my son concentrate. When he learned that both me and his other dad could use magic, he immediately wanted to learn. James had a... Strange power... I haven't seen anything like it before. I think it's a new magic unique to the children of dragon slayers.

"Dad look!" James said happily. I was pulled out of my thoughts. I turned towards him and saw that he had managed to transform his arm into a claw.

I smiled. "Good job James!"

Time skip

I sat next to James on the couch. He was twelve years old.

"James. You know what wizard guilds are. Correct?" I asked.

James stared at me in slight confusion. "Of course? Why?"

I bit my lip. "Well... you've gotten pretty strong. I was thinking that maybe you could join a wizard guild." I explained.

"What? Why? What about you? There are no wizard guilds near here." James said.

I gave him a small smile. "You can't stay here forever James. Don't let me hold you back. I'll be fine." I said.

James frowned at me. "Dad... what guild was father apart of?" He asked.

I looked away. "Sabertooth." I said softly.

"How come... How come you never talk about him?" He asked.

"He didn't love me James. He was in love with someone else." I said softly.

"What?! Then why did you have me?! D-Does that mean father doesn't love me." He demanded.

"James... I never told him I was pregnant. He... He doesn't know about you." I said. My voice cracked a bit.

James stared at me. "Wh-What?" He asked.

I clenched my fists and squeezed my eyes shut. "James... I'm sorry." I said. I was about to cry.

"What was his name?" James asked.

"... "

"Dad please! Tell me." He pleaded.

"I won't tell you his name but I will tell you this. He's a powerful wizard and a part of Sabertooth." I said.

James was silent. "Thanks dad. This must be pretty hard for you, huh." James said.

I smiled a bit. "It's fine. You deserve to know." I said.

"I... I think I will go find a wizard guild." He said.

"That's good. And James." I said.


'If you join Sabertooth, don't tell anyone my name." I said firmly.

"... Okay." James agreed.

I stood up. "You better start packing." I said.

"Come on. I'll help you." I said. I grabbed his hand and lead him upstairs.


So. I feel like that was pretty good. I'm sorry for skipping so much of James' childhood. I just feel like it wasn't very relevant to the story. This is going to be a short fanfic. Only a maximum of ten chapters.

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