Chapter 3

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James' pov

I walked down the streets of Shizuku. I had just left home. It was hard to leave dad, but I was determined to find my other father. What dad said earlier really bothered me.

"He didn't love me. He was in love with someone else."

It really bothered me. Dad hadn't really told me any details, but I was confused as to why they had sex. I mean, if father didn't like dad, why would they have sex in the first place?

I shook my head. Once I find out who my father is, I'll get answers. First, I was going to have to find out where Sabertooth was. I walked over to the train station. "Excuse me, but can you tell me where the Sabertooth guild is located?" I asked the ticket seller.

"Sure, it's located in the capital, Crocus." He said.

I smiled at him. "Thanks! I would like a ticket to Crocus." I said.

The man smiled back. "Certainly, that will be 5.00$ please." He said.

I handed him the money. "Thank you!" I said before running off. I quickly hopped on the train to Crocus. I stared at Shizuku. I frowned. I hope I'll be able to solve this mess between my dads. I really want dad to be happy again.,He may deny it, but I can tell he still loves father. The way he talks about him. But he's also in pain. I can't even imagine what it's like to love someone that doesn't love you back or loves someone else.

I sighed. I can only hope that I'll be able to bring my family together again.

Time skip

"Attention all passengers, we are now approaching Crocus."

I let out a small groan. I must've fallen asleep. I sat up and look around. I looked out the window and saw many trees and landscape. I watched as it slowly turned into buildings. We must be in Crocus! I thought excitedly. I grabbed my suitcase and walked to the front of the train. It slowed to a stop.

"We have arrived in Crocus." The driver said. I couldn't stop the smile that broke onto my face. I was beyond excited. I couldn't wait to meet my other dad! The doors opened and I rushed off the train. I sprinted out of the train station and onto the streets of Crocus. I grinned happily.

"Now I just have to find the Sabertooth guild..." I murmured. I decided to ask around town. I strolled down the street and into a market place.

"Sting-kun! Look at this jacket! Isn't it nice!" I heard a male voice say. I turned towards it and saw a young man and two cats. I blinked in surprise when I realized that the red cat had spoken. Since when could cats talk? I thought. I walked over to them. I tapped the man on the shoulder.

He turned to me. "Yes?" He asked.

Suddenly feeling shy, I asked "Do you know where the Sabertooth guild is?" I mumbled.

The man blinked a few times before smiling at me. "Yeah, I do. I'm the guild master. The names Sting." He stated.

I let out a small gasp. "Really! That's so cool!" I said.

The man shrugged. "I guess. Why do you want to know where the guild hall is?" He asked.

"I uh... Wanted to join..." I said.

"Really! Cool! We could use new members. What's your name?" He asked.

"James." I said.

He smiled. "That's a nice name, what magic do you use?"

"U-Um... I'm not sure what it's called..." I said quietly.

"Oh. Well, I'll help you figure it out!" Sting said, grinning slightly.

"Really!? Thank you!!!" I said.

"Are you self taught?" Sting asked.

"No. My dad helped me learn." I said.

"Oh. Maybe he knows what it's called. What's his name?" He asked.

I froze. "I uh... Um..." I stammered.

"He um... His name is... Uh... Um..."

Sting stared at me, confused. "You don't have to tell me you know." He said softly. I gave him a grateful smile. Truth was, I considered Rogue as my mom. I mean, I called him dad, but he was technically my mom.

"Why don't I take you to the guild hall." Sting offered.

"Sure! Who are your cats.?" I asked.

"Oh! How rude of me. This is Lector. He's my cat." Sting said.

"What about the green one?" I asked.

Sting got a sad look in his eyes. "That's Frosch. I'm taking care of her until my best friend comes back." Sting said.

"Sting-kun... I don't think Rogue-sama's coming back. It's been twelve years..." Lector said.

"YOU'RE WRONG! HE'S COMING BACK!!! H-He has too!" Sting says.

"Fro misses Rogue!!" Frosch cried. Frosch was on the verge of tears.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean for this to happen!" I said worriedly.

"It's fine." Lector said.

"They just miss him a lot. You see, twelve years ago, Sting's best friend and partner left without a trace. No one knows why or where. We would have searched for him, but we were in a time of crisis and couldn't spare the members." Lector said sadly.

"We're not even sure he's still in Fiore...." Sting said sadly. I bit my lip. They were talking about dad. I wanted so desperately to tell them that he was my dad, but I had promised not to tell anyone.

"Oh. That must be pretty hard for you guys." I said, but even to my ears, it sounded forced.

"Yeah... Everyone in the guild took it really hard too." Sting said.

Sting took a deep breath. He gave me a obviously forced smile. "Let's go to the guild hall." He said. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Frosch, Lector. Let's go." He said.

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