Ch. II - Rad Music and Perverts

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OHH MY GOD YOU LOVELY PEOPLE. I kniw it might not seem like much but NINE DIFFERENT people have read my story. like that's just crazy to me!! So thanks!!!!!!!!!

ANyways, heres ch 2 hope you dig!!!

Comment, like, vote, dedicate a shrine to it... I don't know!

I've also linked G's Me Myself and I cause I thought it was ironic lol

ENJOY!! and ciao!


Ch II: Rad Music & Perverts

Shaking her head trying to regain clarity, Velma slowly made sense of what happened.

Someone or something, growled then moaned and then got hasty with her. Afterwards, her physical body betrayed her by reacting the way it did to the touch. Unacceptable.

Lifting herself off the bed she took a couple steps around her room, silently interrogating the places most likely to be haunted.

The watching feeling was still there but it was not threatening, at least Velma hoped, it just felt curious.

Making her way towards her bedroom door she took one last glance around but something caught her eye. Near her bed, at the very last minute her eyes saw it, a tall figure. A tall, dark, stranger- not at all petrifying.

Burying her slight terror she opened her door and made her way down the hall towards Annie.


"I left you alone for barely an hour!" exclaimed Velma, looking around at her kitchen as stuff piled on top of tables fell off, "how did you even manage to make such a mess?"

"oh hush, I'm not two, I'll clean up" defended Annie as she looked around at the small monster she had created with kitchen supplies, "did you finish your wall?"

"hm, no. I got tired," remembering the weird sounds and touch she had encountered, "I'll start again tomorrow, I just came out for my clothes, I wanted to take a shower."

"I see, I think those four boxes are yours," Annie helped, pointing towards a pile,

"Thanks," Velma replied, as she began pushing all her remaining items down the hallway.


Once again she found herself in her room yet this time around the intrusive feeling was gone. She felt herself calm. She begun rummaging around through her boxes trying to find a pair of pajamas.

Gathering her stuff she headed to the bathroom, but before she was able to enter her shower the feeling had arrived once more,

"Pervert," she mumbled.

However, her beating heart slowed the minute she heard a low chuckle come from the doorway,

Turning around quickly her hand reached out for a weapon and when it brought back a shampoo bottle fear started to bubble.

"Who's there?" she asked, her voice so low and frightened it came out hoarse.

"Who's there?" she repeated, keeping her voice quiet as if scared that the intruder might actually hear her.

Velma waited what seemed like decades but there was no verbal response, sadly the intruder was still there, the watching feeling was stronger than ever.

Yet just like that, everything stilled.

The feeling was gone, Velma felt normal again, at least normal enough to continue her plan to shower.

Once inside the tiny sauna she had created for herself all the issues she had with her unwanted roommate seemed to diminish and well, Gwen Stefani apparently replaced it...

"I didn't mean for you to get hurt, we can make it better and tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet?"

"Woohoo, Yeehoo!!"

Once she finished her shower concert, she stepped out feeling refreshed, she had temporarily forgotten about her current problem. Stepping into her bedroom in nothing but a robe and fuzzy slippers she noticed a piece of paper lying carelessly next to a poster of her lover, Jensen Ackles.

'You're quite the singer. Not necessarily good but definitely something. Also, I've never liked purple panties or purple bras but you just changed my mind.

- A gentleman

By the way, I'm really digging the whole 'pervert' thing. '

Her stomach dropped. She felt 100 pounds heavier and she felt exposed. In her mind she cursed him, she sassed him, she whooped his ass but in the physical form she was just scared shitless. This guy, this thing, whatever the hell it was had just written a note. And what's even worse; his cursive was impeccable.

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