Star Wars Tag 2

13 5 4

I was tagged by booklover311921 again.

1. Dad Jar Jar Binks
    I'm a Gungan?

2. Sibling Mace Windu

3. Grandparent Obi-Wan Kenobi
    He would be a great grandparent.

4. Best friend R2D2
     He'll be good friend.

5. Master Padme
     She would have to learn the ways of the Jedi first.

6. Padawan Yoda
     It would be cool to have someone you taught grow up to be a famous master.

7. Rival Kit Fisto

8. Same home planet as General Grevious
    What planet is he from?

9. Same lightsaber color as Darth Sidious
    Am I a Sith again?

10. You have a lot in common with Count Dooku

11. You often train with Plo Koon
       He's cool.

12. Same lightsaber style as Anakin

13. The first mission I went on was with C3PO
       That must've been a very long mission.

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