Secret Out

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*A Few Weeks Later*

for the last couple weeks I have been hang with Gene's gang and I start to isolate myself from my family and friend all because of Gene, I am inside my room drawing a picture of myself where I have to different sides I heard a knock on the door "Jade you there" Garroth's voice rang though the door I put my drawing aside and walked to my door then opened it "what" I said "I was wondering if you wanted to come study with me and Laurance" Garroth asked "Nah, and its pronounced Laurance and I" I said "Oh see you later than" Garroth said I nodded and shut the door then my phone went off I pick it up 'Gene' it said I clicked answer "hey Jade come to the park we need to talk" Gene said "about" I asked "Just come" Gene said "Fine" I said then hanged up I quickly opened my window and jumped down.

*At The Park*

I saw Gene and his gang "Hey Gene" I said then walked up to them "Guys can you give us a minute" Gene asked Sasha and Zenix they walked off "What do you want Gene" I said he got closer to me which made me back up "Gene" I said he get looked at me I started to back since he keep getting closer to me "Gene" I growled I back into a tree which Gene blocking me from getting out "Gene stop it" I said he leaned in then I knew what he was doing so I kick his legs which made he fall "you can't just kiss me like that" I said with angry "Kiss me or I will tell" Gene said "I don't care anymore, I joined your thing then you try and kiss me you sick bastard ever since I joined this group I was terrible to my family and friend you know what tell them, tell everyone I don't care anymore" I yelled storming off. I quickly walked to my house and climb to my window and jumped in.

*a few hours later*

I been getting text messages form everyone in school some mean ones, some weird one, some romantic one and some good ones "Kids Dinner" Mum yelled from downstairs I didn't move I knew I would be answered so I refused to leave I looked at my phone Lola my friend messaged me I opened it,

(Lola-L Jaden- J)

L- oh my god I never knew u where a Ro'meave

L- Now that I think off it u were always better then most people

L- I hope u enjoy being called Secret Ro'meave

L- Hey Secret Ro'meave how does it feel to be blackmailed

L- Gene told me everything about u, u really had some funny photos and stories

L- y don't we show everyone u love and care for these photos and who u really r

J- Don't u dare

L- 2 late

I threw my phone across the room and quickly locked the door and cried I heard lots of knock "Jaden let us in" Garroth said, I wiped my tears and took a deep breathe then opened the door "Sorry for being a pain the last couple of weeks" I apologise "no need sis" Vyald smiled "I heard that there food downstairs, race ya" I pushed past them and ran downstairs.


Ro'Meave Sister OC x LauranceWhere stories live. Discover now