Ok, So i hate the fact people think that girls have to have long hair and boys have to have short hair. Recently someone told me that short hair on girls looks 'weird' or 'wrong' and 'ugly' and boys should be the only ones with short hair because it looks 'unnatural ' and that boys shouldn't have long hair for the same reasons they told me that girls shouldn't have short hair. Stupid. Ok. Both girls and guys should be able to have their hair short or long it shouldn't matter because its their decision not yours.
So stop being a butt and consider more. Recently i got a hair cut, fairly short i must add, and i love it! And many other people do too! But i still get 'your hair looks weird' or 'i like you better with long hair' for idiots, but i have to tell those idiots to learn a few things about 'I don't care'Tell me your opinions