Moving time

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Part 1;

I've never felt so sad in my life, it's been a month since I broke up with zac, my parents are making me go to boarding school and I failed 3 tests at school in a week, I'm so sick of never being good enough, I'm a failure and a worthless piece of shit.

"We are leaving in 10 minutes chloe!" mum yelled from the kitchen.

Today is the day, I'm going off to boarding school for at least a year,

I'm as nervous as anything, there is no way I'm gonna fit in, everyone will judge me and nobody will want to be my friend, it's going to be so hard leaving my friends and family, this is not what I wanted, but my parents think it's best right now.

I said my last goodbyes to my family as a hopped in the car.

After 4 long hours of being in the car with mum, we were finally here, 'Campbelltown Boarding School'.

It actually hit me so hard in the face; this is real, I'm not going to see any of my friends or family for at least 6 months now, mum walked me to the office and signed me in. I walked over to the board with all the room numbers and lists of the people on your room.

"Room number 416

-Trent Morgan

-Kristen Ness

-Chloe Otte

-Jai Waetford"

Oh my gosh, so I'm sharing a room with 2 boys and only 1 girl, well this is going to be.. awkward..

Sorry, it's not very interesting just yet, vote if you want more 💕

Part 2;

Mum walked me into my room, I got given a key at the sign in office but I knocked on the door anyway, nobody answered so I used my key to open the door.

There was 4 beds all nicely made, it was a pretty big room, I walked in and mum followed me.

"Wow, it's big" said mum, "but where is everyone?"

"Who knows" I said

"Alright Chloe, I'm gonna get going, you've got your phone right?" mum said in a nervous voice.

"Yes mum, I sure do" I replied.

"Okay, be good, text me every night and look after yourself, but have fun" said mum.

"Fun? School, fun? What? ugh, so your not even going to wait till anyone comes back? do I even get a map?" I said in a very worried voice.

"I really have to go Chloe, I've got to be at work in 5 hours and I still have to get home and have a shower" mum handed me the map, "oh, also, here's the map, the office lady gave it to me, I nearly forgot to give it to you"

"oh thanks mum" I said as I hugged her very tightly for the last time for a while.

She walked out and I just sat on one of the beds, the worst thing was, I didn't even know which bed was mine, but the main thing going through my head was where everyone was?

I looked around the room for about 5 minutes when I heard someone coming in, I looked over at the door and these 2 guys walk in.

"Hello, I'm Jai! Im guessing your Chloe?" said one of the boys.

"Oh, hello, yes I'm Chloe" I replied.

"IM TRENT" said the other boy.

"haha hey!" I said.

"where's the other girl?" I asked.

If I had to spend a whole year with just two guys, id die, I mean, they are the 2 most attractive guys I've ever seen in my life, but still!!

"Kristen? oh, she's coming" Jai said.

"Oh thank god, I'm excited to meet her." I replied.

About 2 minutes later a girl walked into the room...

"Hey chlo, I'm Kristen, nice to meet you!" said the girl.

"Hello, nice to meet you too" I said. She said I was really pretty and we talked for about an hour, it was like we had known each other for years, I could tell we were gonna be the best of friends.

I know it's still boring, it will get better, but who likes it so far? 5 votes and I'll post more? 💕

Don't Leave Me - Jai WaetfordWhere stories live. Discover now