Free Fall

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I(Evelyn Threshold)

December 2, 1999: Back to school horror

The world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation. ~ Jacob Bronowski

Things seemed to be normal for a while and Monday morning I couldn’t help but wake up with a smile. It hasn’t been very long when we first got entangled with hell’s solders but at this very moment all the horror didn’t seem to matter.

I found my way down the stairs were Zeiler sat with Alizah in the kitchen talking over cups of coffee about the bills of this month while Rexx was just getting up out of the chair with a yawn as Destiny rolled over on the couch to find more sleep and Tristrum was already slipping on a pair of shoes before heading out of the door.

He looked over at me and quickly smiled as I pulled on my backpack and slipped on my shoes. Alizah looked out at us from the kitchen and softly spoke.

“Have a good day you two.”

Tristrum looked back at Zeiler and sighed. “I don’t see why I have to still go to school.” He raised an eye brow at him while Zeiler cleared his throat.

“You have to keep Evelyn safe besides school is almost over with anyways.”

I sighed. “Graduation.”

Alizah quickly waved goodbye before we slipped out the front door and headed to school.

“What’s so wrong with graduation?”

I looked at Tristrum after he helped me down the porch steps. “People.”

I heard him slightly chuckle. “At least you haven’t changed too much. Still dislike people.” I smiled at him and pushed him slightly away from me.

“Let’s just get to school and get this over with.”

The rest of the walk there was quiet but once we headed inside the school doors a few people almost trampled me to the ground as they quickly pushed me away from Tristrum and I became unbalanced and ran into the wall.

Once the rampage passed Tristrum walked over to me and forced me away from the wall as my body trembled slightly.

“What the hell is going on?”

I looked up at him. “I was about to ask you the same thing.”

As he let go of me and we walked further into the school a chattering crowd circled around something and I stayed back while Tristrum pushed his way through the crowd that quickly walked away as the bell rung and I froze as I saw a beautiful women in front of him.

Her  Brown eyes gnawed at my senses as she twirled her long smooth brown hair in her fingers with bright red lipstick upon her curved up lips in a red dress that provided a little too much cleavage at the top and held to her figure tightly by a black belt along her waist and layered it all with red heels that she seemed to swiftly moved like an angelic figure as she walked up closer to me.

The women made me feel out of place and it actually worked to make me feel a bit concerned and jealous to the shocked reaction Tristrum had to her.

I noticed as well the same vibes as I get from Rexx or Alizah pulled me to believe she was from heaven’s gate. I watched as she bent down and quickly placed a hand on the top of my head as if I was a child and calmly smiled with a slight irritated laugh.

“What a cute little sister you have.”

I looked over at Tristrum who seemed as shocked as me and I quickly looked back at the women and slapped her hand away in a fuss.

“Fuck you! I’m just as old as he is!” Not exactly but to the school we are technically the same age even though he surpasses decades over my years. I jabbed a finger at her as she stood back up and made me feel more like a might then ever.

“I’m sorry. Your just so-”

I ended her sentence for her. “Small!”

She hummed slightly before answering. “I was going to say petite but obviously they are the same things.”

It wasn’t the point that she was making fun of me that pissed me off the most it was the point that Tristrum was just standing there.

“And I’m not related to him in any way shape or form!”

“Sorry. I thought since you two seemed so close while walking inside that you were related.”

“I hope not.” I mumbled softly to myself but the women giggled a bit too nervously to sound normal.

“So are you two together?” She sounded so worried.

I replied back to hastily. “Of course not!” I licked my chapped lips while sweat formed in my bulged hands. “I think?”

She giggled and winked slightly at me. “Good! Cause I want him!”

The bell rung and I watched as she slowly walked back over to Tristrum who kept his eyes on mine but I couldn’t help but look away from his gaze.

He isn’t really mine but still this empty feeling deep in my heart pounding like a million needles. It felt like I was just witnessing hell all over again for the first time. I listened to them as my dilemma rained over me.

She wrapped her arm around his although he kept his gaze on me. “So I have English first period.”

“So don’t Eve and me.” Trsitrum’s voice sounded distant.

The women giggled once again. “Good!”

I watched as she forced him to move and I stumbled behind them.

Once we walked into the classroom Mr. Robert directed us to our seats. I was across the room from Tristrum who was forced to sit next to the new girl.

I couldn’t help but want to look over at them but I kept myself from doing so while playing with my pencil in my hand, I rolled it in my hands, thumbed the led against the desk till it broke and snapped it under the table like a twig just to loosen some anger from my veins.

In the commotion of the teacher speaking I could hear her talking to Tristrum with soft giggles that irritated me more than her voice. Just prefect right when I thought things were coming together all hell breaks loose once again.

I mumbled to myself. “So not enjoying myself.”

Before sloughing in my seat and trying to keep myself from crying with defeat. I just want to go home and hide in my room for days or maybe years just to end this nightmare.

Once it’s done though you can wake me up but not until she’s gone and he’s all mine till then I’m going to swallow myself into misery; the worst yet.

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