Confused and Agrivated

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(Tristrum Pyro)

December 2, 1999: Confused and agrivated

Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward.

~ Victor Kiam

I attempted to talk to Eve after school but even as I tried to grab her hand she shoved me away and ran home.

I wasn’t sure what she was so upset about. In the morning she was her usual self but when we got to school her whole emotional state changed and she was aggravated with me. 

I caught up to her just as she opened the door.

“Eve I don’t know what I did but I’m so-” Then the door was harshly slammed in my face.

I sighed just as Zeiler reopened the door and looked at me sort of puzzled while in the back ground Eve stomped dramatically while going up stairs.

I saw Alizah look at me a bit furious before running after Eve and Destiny fallowed behind her while Rexx walked up to Zeiler.

Zeiler pointed behind us as we heard one of the bedroom doors slam shut. “Can anybody tell me what that was all about?”

I shrugged pushing my way past Zeiler into the house before he shut the door.

“I’m not sure she’s been mad at me all day.”

I fallowed Rexx and Zeiler into the kitchen.

“She was fine just this morning.” We sat down at the kitchen table while Rexx shoveled down a bowl full of cereal; minding his own business. “Did you say something wrong to her?” I shrugged. “Any unwanted actions did you take?”

I shrugged. “I’m not sure!”

Rexx spoke through a mouth full of food. “She’ll get over it.”

I looked at Zeiler who told him to stop talking and eat. “Help me.”


“You have a girl and stuff don’t you two ever get into fights or anything?”

“She’s not mine! No! It’s complicated and I don’t know how to help! Sorry I don’t speak girl.”

We both looked at Rexx who suddenly looked at us and quickly put another spoon full of cereal in his mouth and looked away from our occurred stairs before we heard someone run into the room and quickly sit in the chair next to Rexx was Destiny who puckered her lips and sat like a young smart women with her hands folded together on her lap with one leg over the other.

“Obviously not you three are guys. You have not a clue how to deal with girls.”

Zeiler raised an eyebrow at her. “And you do?”

“Obviously! I am a girl after all.” She shook her shoulders slightly to one side and the other while placing her hands on the table. “Give her chocolate.”

I questioned her response. “Chocolate?”

She sighed; rolling her eyes.

“Yes! Cholcolate! It always works when I girl is on their period. Since devils and Angels do have periods more than once a month.”

Rexx suddenly threw up the cereal in his mouth and it fell into the bowl before he frowned and shoved the bowl away from himself.

“Wow! Totally not hungry any longer! That conversation is such a moment killer.”

Zeiler grumbled. “Welcome to my world.”

Destiny shrugged her shoulders. “I’m being serious. Girls around the age 12 start having periods.”

I growled. “Not needed!”

Zeiler glared at Destiny. “We don’t need to discuss sex ed now.”

She frowned and quickly stood up. “I’m just saying!” She smiled. “Oh and flowers.” She winked. “Unless she throws them at you then run.”

We watched her walk out of the room; leaving us in confusion before Zeiler let his head fall against the table and Rexx turned to me with a blank expression.

Zeiler quickly raised his head and looked at me.

“In other words apologies. Eve can’t be that upset.”

Rexx stretched with a slight yawn. “I wouldn’t say that Zeiler. Eve tends to over exaggerate. They all do.” We both watched as he stood up. “I’m exhausted.”

“From what?” Zeiler pondered slightly to dark. “You don’t even work. It’s my ass paying for all the bills.”

Rexx walked out of the room not paying attention to anything Zeiler was saying. I looked at him as he looked back at me sighing.

“What’s wrong?” I started to notice the dark rings underneath his eyes.

“Just work. We’ve been getting weird calls lately about crow attacks.”


“It’s odd I’ll tell you that much but we’ve has a few patients come into the hospital with deep claw marks.”

“I thought crows don’t go near humans.”

“I did say it was odd. Nothing sums up.”

“Maybe they are territorial.”

Zeiler shook his head no. “There are a few people saying how the crows have been coming into their houses through the vents.” He lowered his voice while placing a hand on his forehead. “We’ve recently had a child come in with the worst ones yet.”

“Well don’t stress too much over that.”

“I know. It’s not all I’ve been questioning. Abbys hasn’t attempted to reach us in a while now.”

I shrugged. “Maybe he’s busy.”

“Let’s just hope it’s only that.”

I looked out the window at the trees surrounding us and sighed. “I hope so too.”

A deep gut feeling proved to me otherwise. Something was going on in hell that we’ve been kept from.

I’m sure sooner or later though we were going to find out their plans. I just hope it won’t be too bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2013 ⏰

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