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A/N: first of all, I am SO falling in love with AntiDark. Like, I read my first fanfic for it earlier and I absolutely love it. Maybe after this I'll write another Fanfiction for it...

Also, Jack is SO crushing on Mark. He hasn't accepted it fully, but, cmon. XD hope you guys enjoy!

I gasped as a person fell down the hole, joining us in the pillows. I sat up and so did Mark, is looking at the girl/boy. He/she looked up at us with wide eyes. "I...found...them," she/he breathed out.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah you did." Mark said, watching the boy/girl reposition herself/himself so he/she was sitting. "I'm Mark, this is my friend Jack."

"Y/n, nice to meet you! I want interrupting anything, was I?" Mark and I blushed, scooting away from each other.

"N-No! Not at all," I was about to say more, until I heard boos from the crowd.

"THE MAGICAL MONSTER OF MAGIC ATE THEM! I SWEAR!" Mark laughed and I couldn't help but admire it. We turned to see some guy open up a door and wave us out.

"Hey guys, better get out of here. I think the mob is gonna burn this to the ground."  Our eyes widened and we scrambled to our feet, running. Once we got out, we watched Y/n run off. I looked at Mark, and we started giggling.

"Well. That sucked," I said, us both walking ab my I the cars where Bob and Wade were sure to be waiting.

"Yeah, but hanging out with you on the pillows was nice. Hey, weren't you gonna say something in the car? Some thing about ditching this?" I blushed, my eyes widening.

"Nothing I-important!" I said, a little too quickly. I felt relieved when he shrugged his shoulders. "What were you saying while we were on those pillows?"

Now it was his turn to blush and have wide eyes. "S-Say something? I wasn't saying anything! Nope!" I shrugged my shoulders, feeling curious. He sighed and we reached the car where sure enough our friend ran to us.

"What happened?!" Wade yelled.

"We were forced under a stage," I muttered. The guys stared as I got into the car and shrugged. A moment later, Mark joined me. He pulled out of the drive way and began driving. 

"...So. When we get home, do you want to watch a movie with me? Alone? Bob and Wade have been getting on my nerves lately. It would be nice to just hang out in my room together." I smirked.

"Totally, Mark." I responded, holding back my screams of joy. But you'd be happy too, if you and your best friend were gonna hang out together. Alone. In a bedroom. Where just earlier you were singing love songs and cuddling. And there were plenty of outcomes for how the night could end up. I swallowed the nervousness in my throat and leaned back against the seat. 

Fuck it.

I was totally gay for Mark.

•Time Skip•

I was chilling in the couch around 8:43 at night with Bob and Wade when Mark walked into the living room. "Jack? Ready to watch that movie?" I looked up and smiled.

"Movie? Sure!" Bob perked up.

Mark shot them a look and their eyes gleamed with understanding. Wade smiled, and looked at me. "Never mind. You guys have fun!" I slowly got up, a bit suspicious.

"Uh, thanks? Um, let's go Mark." He smiled at me and led me down the hall to his room. I walked in, taking my time to inhale the sweet scent of his cologne. His room had light pink walls and black carpets, with fanart all around the room, including a little bit of Septiplier which I never thought much of. I looked at the TV as Mark shut the door. "Return To Me? That old Romantic Comedy from 2000?" I looked at Mark who blushed and gave me a shy smile.

"Yeah, I was kinda in the mood for some thing cute. But with you here, I kinda got that covered. So if you want another movie..." I let the words process and blushed, smiling a bit. "Yep. Defenitly cute," he muttered, sitting down on his bed. I blushed even more.

"Holy balls you are in the mood for a Romantic Comedy," I laughed and sat down next to him in the bed. "Let's watch this like a boss." He chuckled and hit play on the movie.

Ten minutes in I heard Mark yawn and rest an arm around my shoulders. I chuckled softly and snuggled up against him. I looked up at him, he had his eyes glued to the screen. "I know, I'm just so soft and cuddly, ye just can't get enough of me." He chuckled, looking down at me.

"Meh. Friends cuddle. Sometimes." I laughed.

"Well, if we are cuddling then let me get comfy." I kicked off my shoes and turned on my side, wrapping my arms around his waist and snuggling against him, making him blush Crimson. He embraced me though, and we kept watching the movie.

After a while, the main characters started kissing in the rain. I sighed, making Mark look at me. "Everything okay?"

I shrugged and sighed again, letting go of him and laying my head on his lap and looking up towards the ceiling. "Back when Sonja and I were together, she never kissed me like that. I've always wanted to be kissed passionately." There was silence.

"...well, as your friend, maybe...I could help with that?" I looked at him, his eyes locking with mine and a sweet smile across his lips. His soft looking lips...

"Y-You mean, k-kiss me?" He nodded. "So I know what it feels like?" He nodded again, eagerly waiting for my response. I bit my lip and looked at the screen. Their kiss was so heated and passionate. Did I really want my best friend kissing me like that? I felt a hand in my hair and looked back up at Mark. "...I guess...yes. Go for it." I finished confidently. Passion glimmered in his eyes as he pulled me back up so I was sitting in his lap. He leaned closer to me, but before he locked our lips he whispered,

"If you've never been kissed like I'm about to to you, you're in for a treat," a shiver ran down my spine right before a pair of lips connected with mine.

Septiplier ~ A Stupid, Stupid Dare BOOK 1 STUPID,STUPID SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now