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Christine's P. O. V
"Hey everyone" I say into my vlogging camera. "Today is the day I move in with my brother Caspar and his roomate Joe Sugg or as you guys know him as thatcherjoe, I am currently waiting for my uber to pick me up from my house in Australia to bring me to the airport. Yay so I have a long plane ride ahead of me, I'll probably sleep all of it but I'll try to vlog again as soon as possible! Bye love you beauties!" I shut off my camera and go grab my bags. I double check and make sure my uber is here and I have everything I need. Then I'm off to the airport.
When I arrive at the airport I instantly go through security and sit in one of those uncomfortable airport chairs waiting for the person to call my flight.
"Flight 584 to England is now boarding" A lady says.
I get on the airplane and sit in the seat closest to the window. Soon enough I have this 19 looking year old hot as fuck guy sitting next to me.
"Hey, I'm Luke, I figured since this airplane ride is going to take forever I could spare some time to get to know a cute girl like you" Luke tells me blushing
"Oh, I reply blushing while looking in his beautiful Sea blue eyes. "I'm Christine, I wouldn't mind getting to know someone as nice and cute as you either"
We talked for all of the plane ride and we exchanged numbers considering he's going to be in the same town visiting his friend for a couple months.
I go towards the Starbucks considering the fact that is Caspars Favorite place. When I arrive I run to Caspar and feel him embrace me in a hug.
Caspars P. O. V
I figured I would text Christine and tell her I'm at Starbucks just in case, i mean i bet she thinks this is where i am anyway.
A couple minutes later I see Christine run to me and jump into my arms.
"I'm so happy to see you!" I say letting her go "Do you want something to eat?"
"Im so happy to be here I'm glad I'm here with you insted of being stuck at Mums with nothing to do. And yes food would be great.
Christine's P. O. V
"Joe is out in the car waiting for us, I'll message him and make him drive to the front so we don't have to walk that far" Caspar explains. I just nod in response.
A couple minutes later a dark blue mustang appears in front of me. The trunk pops open and out pops this hot guy, dirty blondeish hair thats flipped to one side, then the green, blueish eyes. Then I really look and realize that's Joe.
"Whoa" I muffle under my breath hoping no one heard me.
"Christine!" Joe screeches As he runs up to give me a hug. "How are you!? You look so good!"
I instantly hug Joe back and answer his question. "You don't look so bad yourself" I reply with a wink.
"Come on love birds save this for later I'm starving let's go to Taco Bell!" Caspar yells from inside the car.
We all hop into the car. Of course I had to sit in the back, and listen to Caspars horrible music. We arrive at Taco Bell at 7:54. Of course I order my usual order and basically inhale it.
We all decided to go to bed considering it was 11:30 by the time we got home. I was getting ready for bed when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I figured it was just Caspar saying goodnight but no, it was Joe.
"Hey" Joe said walking into my room. "Can we talk for a moment" He questions
"Hi, yeah of course we can!" I reply
"When I saw you today I was blown away at how grown up you looked! Your so incredibly beautiful and Im really glad your living with us, if you need anything at all you can always come to me" Joe says while looking me in the eyes.
He leans in and.........

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