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Christine's P. O. V
He leaned in and..... Kissed my cheek. 
I honestly thought he was going to kiss me on the lips.  I got super blushy and I thanked him.  He looked me in the eyes one last time before he walked out of my room. 
I fell asleep thinking off Joe and what had just happend.  I wake up the next day to the smell of Bacon and pancakes. I run down the stairs. I get to the 5 stair and fall the rest of the way down.  I tried to stand but I couldnt.  I instantly knew I broke my ankle or leg or broke something.  I start screaming out in pain.  Joe comes around the corner,  only joe no Caspar. 
     "What happend!?" Joe Exlamed while picking me up bridal style and setting me down on the couch.
    "Well I got super excited for pancakes and Bacon so I started to run and then I fell." I explain
   "Oh,  well Caspar went to starbucks he told me to take care of you while he was gone, I guess I did a bad job at that" Joe sighs and puts his head in his head. 
  "Well take me to the hospital and then we should be fine, I can't walk so your going to have to carry me to the car" I explain smiling at the idea of Joe carrying me to the car.
"Okay let me call Caspar and tell him what happend and for him to just meet us at the hospital" Joe says putting his phone to his ear.
After Joe and Caspars conversation Joe picked me up slowly and looked me in the eyes,  he moved his hands from my waist to my butt. He brought me to the car,  while he was getting in I got a phone call from Caspar.
  "Hey what's up" I say to caspar
   "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS IM AT THE HOSPITAL BY MYSELF AND IM FUCKING SUPPOSED TO HAVE A MEETING IN AN HOUR SO HURRY UP AND GET HERE NOW!" Caspar screams.  I hang up the phone while the tears stream down my face.  I look away from Joe hoping he won't relize that I'm upset, that didn't work out so well. 
  "Hey Chrissy, is it okay if I call you that? What's wrong?" Joe questions grabbing my hand that's not wipeing the tears away.
  "I don't care,  you can call me what you want just please don't ever yell at me it hurts me it's my weakness i just hate it and Caspar knows that and he just yelled at me" I muffle through tears. 
  "Awe, Chrissy don't cry it's okay,  i wont ever yell at you I promise, let's just worry about getting you to the hospital,  I'll deal with Caspar when we get there you just worry about finding out what's wrong" Joe whispers as he grabs my hand and starts rubbing his thumb up and down. 
  "Joe why are you so nice to me, I don't deserve all this generosity, thank you for it though it makes me feel a lot more welcome here" I say squeezing Joe's hand.
  "Because Chrissy,  your so beautiful and caring,  you put everyone first and God damn it you need to be put first every once in a while,  I want to be that person who puts you first!" He exclams making me cry even worse then before.
  "Joe that was so nice, Thank you! You mean so much to me it's scary!" I say looking into his sea blue/green eyes.  Then all of sudden our lips were touching and they were moving in sync.  I quickly pulled away and looked out the window waiting for Joe to start up the car and drive to the hospital or at least say something but he only drives to the hospital.  The car ride was very awkward and quiet.  He carrys me into the hospital and I get put into a wheel chair then pushed down the hall into and examining room. 
  When I get in there they check my leg and my ankle and say my ankle is just severely sprained which still sucks.  They gave me pain meds and wrapped it the way It was supposed to be. Then I was free to go.  Of course Caspar was very mad at me for making him late for his meeting, he basically told me that I can live with him but I don't mean shit, it hurt me more then he thought it did. I fought back the tears that had surfaced itself from within my eyes. 
  We had just gotten home and I managed to get up the stairs by myself considering it was a littler awkward between me and Joe. When I got into my room I face planted on to my bed, I started at the ceiling for a little bit until I remember I have my razors from when I used to cut hidden in my dresser. I quickly grabbed then and went to my bathroom.  I shut the door forgetting to lock it but at the moment I didn't really care I just wanted to die.  I pulled out the biggest and sharpest razor and dragged it over one of the many scars on my thigh.  It ozzed out blood way more then I thought.  It didn't pain me it felt invigorating it felt amazing.  I dragged it over another scar then another until all of them were reopened and I was covered in blood.  I started to feel extremely dizzy,  I heard a knock on the door and that's when everything went black. 

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