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Silently, they moved through the night. To any prying ears, it would appear as if a breeze was just blowing through. In reality, though, this was a band of highly trained scouts, one of the warrior Steve's most credible sources of information.

For three weeks they had been following the movements of Herobrine's monster army. They had tipped off Steve to the pronged attack plot, and had since been keeping tabs on the stages of this attack. Now, the scouts had found one of the central monster camps and was hoping to garner some newfound information on the movings of this army of darkness.

Ben, the leader of this group, came to a stop and held up a gloved fist. Without a change in the noise level, the entire troop stopped. Ben crept forward and peered over the hill to observe the large camp. Despite its size, the camp was not very fortified; in fact, it held far less monsters than it could.

The scouts had initially been puzzled by this before catching wind of the true plot. Herobrine had divided up his forces so significantly that the fragments traveled on very small bands. Leaders of sections would come to these camps, where they would get their orders. After that, they met up with the rest of the fragments of their section, reassembling into a massive fighting force.

Ben and his scouts had been hovering around this camp as it had moved. They had struck at critical moments, stealing papers with vital info or eavesdropping on important conversations. Once they retrieved this information, the scouts had hurried it back to the nearest camp of warriors.

Now, though, it was crunch time. The monster armies were reassembling fast. Ben needed to gain any helpful info soon if they wanted an upper hand. Herobrine was insane, but that insanity made him unpredictable. If there was something else he was going to do, it was imperative that they knew of it.

Tonight, they were infiltrating the camp. Ben's eyes scanned the site, looking for any danger. Appearing satisfied, he gave a small nod and pointed forward. The scouts took off into the shadows, Ben included. They knew what to do.

Ben and a small group crept past the lone sentry on their side of the camp and slipped in. Avoiding the flickering light of the mounted torches, the six men carefully snuck by tents and campfires. Some monsters were out, but not enough to worry about being caught. If they stumbled into one, they could take it out with little chance of an alarm being raised.

Keeping quiet, the group inched toward the central tent, which was bathed in moonlight and had a faint glow coming from within. Across the camp, Ben knew that the rest of his men were performing their duties as well. Some were scouring tents for secrets, while others slowly eliminated perimeter guards.

The central tent was a lot larger and nicer than the hastily constructed ones surrounding it. Ben knew why: this one wasn't for a monster, or at least, a monster on the outside. This was Herobrine's headquarters within his headquarters. It was literally the room where it happened. Every order th at was issued came out of that tent. Surely there was something in there that could help them.

They knelt outside of one of the open window flaps. Ben glanced at the faces of the other five men, silently confirming that they were ready. One by one, they gave him nods. Of this entire group, only one other man, Shelby, was from Steve's original band of warriors, and he was here with Ben. However, Ben had come to know all of his scouts. They were a tight knit group, able to operate without words. They had to be.

Just as Ben was about to raise up, a commotion caused him to duck down. The tent flap opened, and many people entered. Ben peeked through just enough to see a couple humanoid figures. Two brutes that were obviously zombies held a struggling man. He looked like a common criminal, albeit one scared out of his wits. More figure surrounded a table-- perhaps a map sat upon it-- and, at the head of the table, one figure had his back turned to the man. At once, he spoke, and Ben instantly recognized the voice.

The End Of MINECRAFT (Being the Final Volume Of the Minecraft Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now