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Dan Howell knew he wanted to be an astronomer or astronaut or something space related the minute he could open his eyes.  Everything about the sky, stars, and space in general fascinated him.  He found himself transfixed by the glow-in-the-dark plastic stars on his ceiling when he was very small, captivated by the glittering constellations he could find. And from then on, he was hooked. His tiny frame could be found late at night sitting on the roof outside his window, staring awestruck at the gaseous, twinkling lights hung in the night sky.

His tenth birthday was by far his favorite.  His parents had saved up the money to get him an expensive telescope, one he had wistfully spoken about with glazed over eyes and a far away look.  Needless to say, he was ecstatic when he saw it in his own house on his birthday.  Even then his parents knew how much this meant to him, knew that this was what he truly loved and wanted to pursue. 

And he was lucky. 

As he got older, so many of his friends were stressed about the future.  There was no more childlike ignorance and naivety, and the weight of decisions crushed them like ants.  Dan wished he could help them, but he knew that this was something they needed to, and eventually would, find on their own.  He hoped they would get there.  He also knew how special he was to have fallen in love with the stars so quickly. Ignorance is bliss, but finding your true passion, what you wholeheartedly love, is ecstasy.

Every night, Dan would use his telescope to look out at the stars, sometimes to chart them and sometimes just for his own enjoyment.  For this matter and many others, it was no surprise that he was accepted and given a full ride to a university for astronomy and physics.  Even though this scholarship had been basically guaranteed his whole life, Dan sobbed gleefully when his acceptance letter came in the mail.  It solidified his dream and insured that he would pursue his passion.

Dan Howell graduated top of his class with flying colors, and at the young age of 20.  His achievements at school gave him the ability to decide on both the paths of astronomer or astronaut. Now Dan, being his anxious self when it came to decisions, challenged this and professed his wishes to be both. He was obviously capable for the position as an astrophysicist astronaut, and his hopes were granted. It was truly settled;

He could be one with the stars.

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