Chapter 6

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Phil's eyes were the size of the moon when he stepped on to Dan's spaceship.  His gaze flitted jumpily around the enclosed space, taking in all the belongings and inner workings strewn about. Dan was meandering around the area in what looked to be a search for something. For what, Phil hadn't the slightest clue. A flash of light under a bunk drew Phil's flighty attention, eyelids drawing back ever so slightly farther as he reached his hand out.

His outstretched fingers met with another hand and a shouted exclamation of delight. The two boys' eyes snapped to meet each other's gaze as fingertips ghosted across a corresponding set. Dan cleared his throat awkwardly and said, "I could've sworn I left this up by the cockpit."

He lifted the object, unintentionally refocusing Phil's attention on what had so piqued his interest before. A beautiful telescope was resting in Dan's hands, shined to perfection and glistening with engravings of the planets and stars. The raven-haired boy chuckled, That would make sense, what with the stargazing and all, he thought.

Dan was already out the door of the rocket by the time Phil regained control of his thoughts. "You coming, slow poke?" Stumbling feet followed Dan's voice outside.  The telescope was set up precariously on a plateau of sorts at the edge of a nearby crater.  Dan's jaw was hanging open as he took in the surrounding scenery of space, a blanket of ebony broken occasionally by far off, blinding flickers of light.  Phil watched the star-struck boy before walking the rest of the way toward him and sitting delicately by his feet. 

Dan, still oblivious to Phil's presence, inhaled sharply as a shooting star blinked into motion, pulling his eyes away from the telescope so he could continue to stare at its starting trail through the sky.  "What happened?" Phil whispered, furrowing his brow.  Dan threw his hand up at a blurring speed.  "LOOK!! Shooting star! Make a wish!"  he said as he pointed, a childlike grin overtaking his features.

Both boys had their eyes screwed tightly shut, mouths moving with silently whispered wishes as the meteor shot across the sky. "What did you wish for, Phil?" Dan quizzed quietly. "I can't tell you! It's against the rules, it won't come true! Plus, I barely know you. How do I know you won't use it against me and steal my livelihood!?" Phil smirked mischievously as he finished his response with a lilting giggle. It was true, he did not know Dan very well, but he felt he could trust him. Someone who looks at the stars with so much wonder in their eyes can't be all that evil.  At least, not in Phil's mindset.

Dan was momentarily distracted from his train of thought by the sight of a star exploding... or, well, Phil laughing. What are you doing!? Get a grip, he literally just pointed out how severely unacquainted you two are! Dan's mind shouted at him as he shook his head. The small voice in the back of his thoughts decided to jump into the conversation while he viciously whipped his cranium back and forth. Why don't you change that? Now is the perfect time to get to know more about each other, it said. I mean, it's not like he has anywhere to go.

Dan decided that part of his thoughts was the devilish one; honestly, what a horrible thing to say about the only other person on the planet.  And he knew he didn't really have even a sliver of an idea about Phil's transport here, for all he knew Phil could leave at any time. Dan hoped he wouldn't, he didn't realize how much he had missed being around people during his travels.  And who wouldn't want to be trapped in the company of someone as gorgeous as Phil?

When Dan finally pulled himself from his thoughts, he looked over at his companion and asked, "Wanna take a look?  It's really quite magnificent."  Phil stood as Dan's tanned hands adjusted the telescope to face him.  A gasp wrenched itself from the paler boy's mouth as he gazed up into space.  Dan felt a smile tug at the corners of his lips at Phil's reaction.  He got the feeling it was similar to his own.

"You weren't lying," Phil mumbled, "I can see why you love your job so much."  His piercing eyes pulled away from the telescope before he finished speaking, as if to make sure his last sentence was very clear when he said, "I think I know how you feel, it's probably the same way I feel about my plants."

"If you mean that it takes your breath away every time you get to see what you're working with, makes your chest tighten with how exquisitely content you feel right where you are, doing what you love, then yes, I would say we feel the same," Dan whispered back with his eyes trained on the most beautiful thing in this world.

Phil stared intensely back into Dan's burning eyes, letting his lashes gently flutter against his cheekbones as Dan watched the effect of his words washing over him in soothing waves.  "I couldn't have said it better myself," Phil responded, gaze still locked with Dan's. 

"Dan, can I ask you something?"  Phil's tentative voice broke the silencing encasing them.  Dan nodded, "Sure, go for it."  Inside, he was mentally preparing himself for Phil to call him out on his staring after they had just met.  He didn't know if he could handle the embarrassment.

"What are your thoughts on lions?"  Mocha eyes widened in surprise and a cackle burst from somewhere deep in his chest.  "That is not what I was expecting at all!!" Dan stuttered breathlessly. 

"Well, what were you expecting, then?" Phil's smile blinded him almost as brightly as his phone in the middle of the night.  He panicked a little bit, certainly not about to admit his fears on being caught staring.  "Uhmm, I don't know, maybe some deep question about space.  Or something about plants, which, I can assure you, I am most severely uneducated."  They both chuckled at that.  "But to answer your question, I think lions are pretty cool."

"Just pretty cool!?" Phil seemed almost outraged, but the mirth behind his eyes gave him away.  "Lions are fabulous!  So are red pandas, though.  Honestly, I have difficulty deciding which is my favorite!"  Dan's eyes crinkled up as he watched this grown man trying so desperately to pick a favorite animal, face screwed up in concentration as he mulled over his options.  After sometime, he seemed to give up, slumping his shoulders and shaking his head.  "I don't know, I can't choose," he huffed, and Dan just smirked and rubbed his back comfortingly.

Thus started their back and forth Q and A.  They learned rather quickly that their tastes in music, movies, and games were very similar, if not identical.  Into the early hours of the morning they chatted, both rather tired, but neither mustering the energy or desire to leave the other.  They talked about everything and nothing, likes and dislikes, anything they could think of that wasn't too deep.  Maybe that night could be some time in the near future, but that moment was not right yet.

Back on earth, no one would have been able to see the two boys spend the whole night talking together, literally in their own little world.  Even if someone had been with them, they wouldn't have been able to tell that the boys had met each other only hours before; the two looked like close friends relaxing peaceful together in the comfort of their company.

The night witnessed their blossoming relationship, though.  The stars and planets looked on as a strengthening bond formed between them.  And they fell fast asleep right there on the rocky terrain under the blanket of darkness, their fingertips just barely touching and grinning faces turned toward each other during their slumber in their own small universe.

A/N:  I feel like this chapter is kind of a mess and I'm sorry about that, but at the same time I feel like the hectic nature of it mirrors Dan and Phil's emotions.  Tell me what you guys think in the comments, your feedback is always important to me, and thank you for voting and reading!

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