My life as a member off the Jones family

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                      1 year later
Phil wake up, Christie wake up. It is half past six in the morning, Daphne knocks on the door and wakes her two oldest children. Phil gets out of bed and walks with his towel to the bathroom. Christie gets up and walks over to the room of Genny to wake her up. Christie walks downstairs to help Daphne with breakfast. 

Genny wakes her youngest sister Cece and walks up to her twin sisters Maddy and Caro's room to wake them up. When Phil comes out off the bathroom ten minutes later he dresses himself and then wakes his brothers Mike and Liam up. Genny gives her little sister Cece a bath while she oversees her twin sisters who are also taking a bath. Not much later, everyone is showered.

Wow Christie who is wearing a dress. Yes it's a new school year so I decided to make a fresh start Phil. they walk downstairs together. Mom are you really going to let  Genny go to school like that 'Phil says while he sits down at the table'. We had already discussed this and your little sister is old enough to decide what to wear. Luckily that Caro and Maddy aren't going to high school yet, otherwise  Phil would get a heart attack 'Christie says'. No you are still my sweet little princesses 'Phil says while he gives his sisters that are passing by a hug'. When they all had breakfast Liam and Christie clean up the table, Mike helps with washing dishes, Genny makes lunch with the help of her twin sisters and Phil puts his sister Cece in the stroller.

Have fun at school ' Daphne says before they leave'. Are you excited for your first day of school 'Christie asks'. A little bit, there are my friends bye 'Genny says and walks to her friends. " Come Let's go we have class. She has just closed her locker when Meryl and Carly walk up to her. Hey girls. Christie you look amazing 'Carly says'. Thank you, you guys look great too. Hi Christie. Hey Chris 'Christie says caught off guard'. Christie would you maybe like to go get a drink after school and chat. Okay. Then i will pick you up at four 'Chris says and walks away'. O my gosh Christie has a date 'the girls yell excited '. Who has a date 'Phil asks who walks up to them'. Christie has a date. No I do not have date Chris just want to get a drink and chat. That is for sure a date. Can we stop now, I thought it was suposed to be fun to be thogether in class 'Christie says sarcastic'.

Good afternoon guys how was your first day of school 'Daphne asks'. It was scary at first but then it was fun. Amber and I have made a new friend and her name is Mary and she is super nice. And how was your day. It was fun, I did not know that Phil had such nice friends. Aparently you don't seem to mind that you were held back a year. No it's way more fun in my new class. Daphne an old classmate asked if I wanted to go get drinks with him this afternoon, can i go? Of course you can.

When Liam, Caro and Maddy hear the front door they run to the hallway to greet their father. Daddy 'the kids say in unison'. Hello guys how are you? Good 'they say and go back to sit down at the table again'. Hi sweetie 'he gives Daphne a Kiss'. Hello guys. Hi dad 'Phil and Mike say who are gaming. Daddy! 'Cece yells excited when she sees her father'. William picks her up and gives her a hug. Hi my little girl. Where is Christie guys. She is having a drink with an old classmate sweetie, she will be coming home soon 'Daphne says'.

 She is having a drink with an old classmate sweetie, she will be coming home soon 'Daphne says'

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Saturday morning Christie walks downstairs for breakfast. Happy birthday Christie. She sees that the table is covered with her favorite foods and gifts. She gets tears in her eyes. Sweetheart why are you crying. Sorry dad I really love it but it made me realize that this is my first birthday without mom, because she used to celebrate my birthday like this too. She wipes her tears away and sits down at the table. Thank you so much for this delicious breakfast. Genny would you like to so come with me to go buy meat. Mama we also want to come 'Maddy, Caro and Liam say disappointed'. You may help Christie decorate the table and get everything ready. Yes that is also fun 'they say excited'. Are you almost finished eating Liam? Just one bite mom then I am ready. Ready! Okay present time. This first gift is from Noah. She opens it and sees a small canvas with the painted hand of Noah on it. That's cute. This gift is from Cece. She takes the role and pulls the ribbon. On the paper is a heart that is fingerpainted. That's pretty. Now it's our turn 'Caro and Maddy say exited'. She gets a box. She opens the box and sees a pasta necklace. Nice huh I made the necklace 'Maddy says'. And I painted the box 'Caro says'. Christie look I also made a drawing, it is a birthday cake with candles. It's well done Liam.

This is for you 'Mike says shy'. It is a book about love I hope you like it. I love this book thank you Mike. Christie I have baught you these earrings. They are amazing Genny. I am not that good at picking out gifts so I baught you a giftcard, so you can pick something out yourself. Thank you Phil. We also have a gift for you and it is in the garden 'William says'. They walk together to the garden. O my gosh is that a new bike. We wanted to give it to you at the beginning of the new school year, but decided to wait for your birthday ' Daphne says'. Thank you dad, thank you Daphne 'Christie says and hugs them. 

 The bell rings and Christie opens the door. Lydia! Congratulations girl 'Lydia and gives her friend a hug'. They walk straight to the garden. Hey Chris great to see you again. Great to see you too Lydia. 

Christie who is that hottie. That Seb is the friend of Phil. I'll introduce you to my friends. Guys this is my best friend Lydia. Lydia this Charlie, Nick Phil's best friend, Phil's girlfriend Carly, Meryl but you already know her and this is Sebastian a.k.a Seb. Later in the afternoon after they have barbecued and danced. Lydia and Seb are having a great time together. Well they aren't the only ones Carly Meryl and Nick are hitting it off too 'Christie says'. Daphne comes out with the cake and puts it on the garden table. They all go stand around the table and sing a few birthday songs and then she blows the fourteen candles. Then she opens the presents from her Grandma and Grandpa and her friends. It was fun sweetie 'Grandma says and gives Christie a hug'. Bye Grandma, bye Grandpa. Lydia let's go to my room because we have so much to talk about.

Autors note: On the picture that i made myself, you see family foto's of the Jones family hanging on the wall.
F.l.t.r Row 1: Maddy & Caro, Melissa & Toby, Mike.
Row 2: Christie & Genny, Daphne & William, Daphne & Cece ( big frame).
Row 3: Phil, William, Liam & Noah.

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