Xavier's POV
I feel as if my head is going to explode, there's a pounding in my head and the sun is too bright. I feel like I'm going to vomit, my skin glistens thick with sweat. God, what did I get up to last night? I slowly swing my legs to the side of the couch, the ground cold and hard under my feet. I look around to see the damage I have done, my body swaying drunkenly, I feel half asleep yet half awake. There's glass smashed on the floor and the coffee table's been flipped over, my mother's favourite vase is in pieces.
She's going to kill me! I brush my hand through my hair and sigh, I search through my mess for my phone. I scroll through my contacts and click Alessandra's contact, I press call and listen to it ring. "Hello?" She sounds breathless, who is she with? What has she been doing? Jealousy bubbles up in the pit of my stomach. "Hello?" She asks again, I'm shaken out of my thoughts. "Uh, Ms. Williams, I am not coming to the office today as I do not feel well." Why am I explaining myself to her? She's no one important. "Okay Mr. Rodriguez, I'll clear your schedule for the day. Would you like me to bring some work over to your place?" I hear shuffling on the other side, I start walking upstairs to my room.
"If that won't be too much trouble, then yes." Since when did I care how other people felt? What is wrong with me? Pull yourself together, Xavier. "It's no trouble at all sir." She replies before hanging up; I can't help but feel angry at her for rudely hanging up, I sigh and walk into my bathroom to have a shower.
Alessandra's POV
I sigh and pick up some of the pending files off of his desk. I quickly stuff them in my handbag and make my way down to my car; I wave at some of my co-workers. I wonder if he's alright. Wait, why do I care how he is? He's a womaniser, a jerk; a cute jerk but a jerk nonetheless. Did I just call him cute? What the hell is wrong with me? He's not cute.......He's hot. Stop it Alessandra, you're being ridiculous. You are not attracted to him in any way but....he has such a good body and his lips oh his lips are so soft.
Snap out of it! The elevator doors open and I walk out into the carpark, still a bit dazed. Shaking my head, I hop into my car and start driving towards Xavier's house. Hmm, maybe I can stop and grab a coffee. That won't take long, I think. I make a quick stop at Starbucks and get two grande mocha's, one for Xavier only because I'm in a nice mood. For some reason, I've been in a good mood lately. Well a happier mood than I normally am in.
I pull up outside his apartment and grab the coffees along with my handbag. Sighing, I hop out and walk towards the front. Hmm, I seem to sigh a lot, I should stop. I walk to the elevator. Pressing for the top floor, I lean against the cool metal wall. I take elevators too much, maybe I should take the stairs once in a while. I wonder if I should go out tonight seeing as Daxton's staying the night at Ellie's. I should, it's been years since I've had a night out....The elevator ding snaps me out of my train of thought.
I put in the pin that Xavier texted me and walk in only to be greeted with a huge mess. I put my stuff on the kitchen bench and take another good look around. I grab a broom and brush up the broken glass to one corner of the living area; I pick up whatever is left of the coffee table and put it with the broken items. I brush the glass off of Xavier's blazer and pick up his tie, I set the items on the bench, next to my handbag. I check what store the coffee table was bought from and call it. I lean against the bench and tap my foot impatiently as I wait for someone to pick up.
"Hello, Bran's Furniture House. How may I help you?" I straighten up as I hear the voice of what probably belongs to a teenage boy or a man who never hit puberty. "Hello, this is Mr. Rodriguez's assistant. I believe Mr. Rodriguez bought a coffee table from you a couple months ago. Am I right?" I walk upstairs to what looks like his room and set his coffee, some water and Advil on his nightstand. "Uh yes, was he not satisfied with the product?" I hear the poor guy's voice quiver in fear and nervousness. "It's nothing like that; it's just that he was wondering if he could get the exact same table sent to his penthouse, today if possible. Is that alright?" I ask, hoping they have one in stock. I hear shuffling of papers. "Uh of course. In fact we have one in stock, it'll be there in less than an hour." I grin and thank the guy before hanging up.
Xavier walks downstairs, shirtless and damn he's hot. My eyes travel to his hands to see that he's holding the Starbucks coffee. I look at his face, only to see him smile, that's unusual. "I got you a mocha as you already know, I bought some paperwork for you to work on, I rescheduled your meetings, I cleaned your living room up and ordered you the exact same coffee table from Bran's Furniture House seeing as your old one is no longer usable." I take a deep breath as I finish my mini monologue. I bite my lip and look at the floor before looking at him again, only to have him stare at me with a smile. "What?" I ask him with a smile. He shakes his head and steps closer to me............

His Personal Assistant
RomanceUnedited Alessandra Williams is a 24 year old girl that has had a pretty rough past with a few traumatic experience that she's just managed to get past but what happens when she meets Xavier Rodriguez a charming yet cold player who has a secret of...