I Fucked Up

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Xavier's POV

I drag myself to work, not at all feeling like going. I don't want to see Alessandra, not after finding out what she has done. I nod Sam in thanks as I step out of the car, I look up at my building and sigh. Checking my watch, I make my way to the private elevator that just recently got repaired. It's only 5.30am so I doubt she's here yet. Good, I can avoid her all day in my office. Stepping out of the elevator, I look up only to freeze. There standing in front of Lucy's desk is Alessandra. "Good morning Mr. Rodriguez," she greets me as if nothing has happened. I glare at her only for her to give me a confused look. My anger spikes once again. "Don't give me that look." I snap at her causing her to jump. "Did I do something wrong Mr. Rodriguez?" She questions innocently. 

"You are a cheating little slut. You are selfish and greedy, you don't care about how your actions affect others. All you care about is yourself!" I shout, pushing past her and head to my office. A hand spins me around before my head jerks to the side, my cheek stinging. "How dare you speak to me like that?!? I have done nothing wrong!!!" She yells at me with tears evident in her eyes. "Yea, keep believing that." I mutter angrily before stomping off into my office. I slump down into my chair and angrily start working on some paperwork. 

An hour or so later

I yell a quick come in as someone knocks on my door. In walks Alessandra; my previous anger returns. Clenching my fists I take in her appearance with a stoic expression. Her eyes are bloodshot red as if she'd been crying however she tries to hide her pain and sadness by an expressionless face. I know they are just crocodile tears but I can't help but feel a small tinge of guilt. "You have a meeting in conference room 106 in 10 minutes," her voice is clipped and cold, I nod at her. She turns on her heel and walks out without another word. 

I stand up, buttoning my blazer, I walk out of my office and head to the conference room on the floor below me. Why wouldn't she tell me she was married? Why didn't I see any guilt or remorse in her eyes when I was confronting her? Guilt creeps up onto me, maybe I have just blown the whole thing out of proportion, maybe......I don't know. I need to speak to Alex about this, he seems to understand women a lot better than I do. He'll let me know if it is all a misunderstanding. I wonder what he wanted to talk to me about and who he wanted me to meet. I guess I'll just find out later today but for now I have to concentrate on this meeting. For the next two hours, I ignore Alessandra who has kept her head down the moment she walked into the room.

I watch everyone file out of the room, Alessandra was the first to slip out the minute I adjourned the meeting. Glancing down at my watch I head back up to my office. She has probably already gone to lunch. I never knew Lizzy was her best friend. I remember throughout last night, Lizzy kept giving me a knowing look. Who else has Alessandra told about what happened between us? I should probably-

My though process is interrupted by Alex swinging my door open with a smirk. He slides a manilla coloured folder onto my desk making me place my hand down to stop it from sliding any further. "Here is everything I could find out about your girl. Why is she so important?" Alex sits down in a seat across from me. "That is none of your business," I glare as he puts his feet on my desk. "What did you want to talk to me about?" I question causing Alex to drop his playful demeanour and to slip into a much serious one. "May I introduce my boyfriend, Jake," I choke on my spit. "You're gay?!?" I shout standing up, "how long have you known?!?" Alex shrinks back slightly. "My whole life?" My eyes zero in on him. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I sit back down, only now noticing the other person in the room.

Only for that person to be the man from last night. "But, he's married!" I shout becoming enraged for the millionth time today. "Dude, calm down and let me explain." I wait for Alex to continue. "Jake realised he was gay when he met me a couple of months ago and we started a relationship. Last week her told his wife, Nicki and they both agreed to end the marriage seeing as neither of them were happy," Alex finishes but only one thought runs through my mind on repeat. "I fucked up," I mumble. Alex straightens up and sends a worried glance towards Jake. "What do you mean you fucked up?"

I open my mouth to reply but Jake beats me to it. "Hey, I know you, weren't you the one that had the 'wrong address'?" He questions while doing quotation marks in the air when he says wrong address, I nod. "Yea, he was looking for Alessandra, why?" Jake's eyes widen in realisation at Alex's statement. "Oh my god, did you think Aless and I were a thing?" I nod, slightly ashamed at myself. I open my mouth to say something in my defence but once again my office door is slammed open. 


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