New Girl ~ England x Reader

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(Hi guys :D I decided I would finally make a story, a Hetalia x Reader! I hope you guys like it, if you do I might take requests! So let's start off with one of my favourite characters, good old England c: )

September the 26th, 6am. Today was the day you started your year at Hetalia High. After the newest move to this neighborhood, it was the only school close enough for you to attend. You dragged your numb body out of your bed, rubbing your (e/c) eyes and heading for the bathroom. In by 8:00am, is what you remembered. You looked at yourself in the mirror. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair was now a frizzy nest, your (e/c) eyes tired and dull. Sighing, you picked up a brush and pulled the knots from your head, thinking about what could happen at this new school, and wishing yourself luck for the day ahead.

About an hour later, you were dressed in your cute, dark green uniform, which consisted of a white dress shirt, green pleated skirt and black tights. You also had a short green tie which complimented the skirt quite nicely. You brushed yourself down, looking at yourself in the mirror. Smiling at yourself, you quietly muttered, "Not bad, _____, not bad." Grabbing your packed leather shoulder bag, you slung it around your body and jogged down the stairs. Your mother sat at the kitchen table, sipping some tea with her eyes locked on the local newspaper.

"Morning mum." You chirped, grabbing one of her two slices of toast and popping it into your mouth.

"Oi, I was eating that," she chuckled, taking another drink of her tea and looking up at you, "why in such a hurry?"

"I don't want to be late on my first day, mum." You said with a grin. But really, underneath this petty lie, you wanted to find your friend you made over the internet before you moved. His name was Alfred F. Jones. He told you all about his life, his friends, where he lived, what the school wad like. When your mother told you that you were moving to his neighborhood, you quite frankly screamed with happiness. Alfred had also told you about his friend, Arthur Kirkland, who was a little older than him. You quite liked the sound of him, although you hadn't gotten a proper description of him.

"Of course you don't. I'll see you later then, sweetheart. Got your phone?" Your mother asked, looking back down at her paper.

"Yep, of course. See ya." You walked out of the front door, closing it gently behind you and smiling to yourself. Today was going to be brilliant, you could feel it.

Walking down the street, you plugged your earbuds into your phone and popped them into your ears, turning your favourite song on at medium volume. You noticed a few other students walking down the street, one stood out more than the others. A tall boy with blond, short hair, his fringe pushed to one side an a single piece sticking up at his parting. His uniform was more casual than everyone elses, mainly because his tie was loose and the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up. Silver, half-rimmed glasses sat on his nose. Alfred.

"Alfred! Guess whoo~!" You sang, running across the road and bumping him with your side. He looked down at you and his smile practically covered his face.

"____? NO WAY! IT'S REALLY YOU?!" He shouted, the excitement filling his voice and elevating it to a loud, bubbly laugh.

"What does it look like? Of course it's me!" You grinned, quickly being pulled against him into a tight hug, your earbuds falling out in the process. You chuckled to yourself gently and hugged the American back, pulling away and brushing yourself down again.

"This is so awesome! It's amazing to meet you in person!" Alfred said down to you, his face stuck with a lopsided grin you always loved to see in your video chats.

"Same for you, Al. Now, I'm trying to be a good student, don't slow me down." You giggled, starting to walk again. Alfred jogged up and walked beside you, laughing out loud again. He started rambling about how he had always wanted to neet you, and how he would be in your classes. You weren't paying any attention. You were looking up at the large metal gates of Hetalia High, admiring the beautiful yet old looking building. Masses of students stood in the large grounds outside, and you and Alfred walked in together.

Alfred grabbed your hand and led you over to someone he was obviously friends with. A boy shorter than him, but only a little taller than you. He has sandy, messy hair that was cut short, so it stuck out at all sorts of angles. His large, bushy eyebrows sat above shimmering emerald eyes, his uniform perfect and obviously taken care of. You stared at him, feeling your cheeks heat up a bit as he looked at Alfred and then to you, his eyes locking with yours as he spoke in a wonderful English accent, "Who's your friend, fatass?"

Alfred poured and let go of your hand, holding an arm around your shoulders. "This is ______, she just moved here. We met online."

You smiled at the English lad, holding your hand out and keeping this bewitching eye contact. "Nice to meet you."

He smiled slightly, taking your hand in his larger one and shaking it gently. "It's a pleasure... My name is Arthur, Arthur Kirkland."

This was him. The one Alfred told you about. He was much better looking than you thought he would be. A shrill bell rang out, everyone quickly rushing towards the doors. "Oh, damn. Lesson time. I'll see you later, _____." Arthur said with a polite, cute smile. He turned and walked inside, leaving you next to Alfred, grinning like an idiot. You walked in with Alfred, that adorable English smile stuck in your mind.

Yep. This was going to be a brilliant year.

(What did you guys think? Should I write more? :D )

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