Anthony's POV
"CARLY!! YOU HERE?!" I polled walking through the house. She wasn't here so I looked around the neighborhood I walked around I got to the park and she was on the swing. She jumped when I put my hand on her shoulder.



"I've been looking for you."

"Well you found me."

"Jason wasn't trying to hurt you Carls." I sat on the swing next to her.

"I know." She looked down at her lap. "That's why I'm not going to make him stop coming you can tell him he can. And that I'll pretend he never said it."

"So I can tell him he can come over?"

"That's what I JUST said." She looked annoyed.

"Alright..well do you want to go home?" I asked her.

"Yeah, but can we get some food? I'm starving."

We walked to this place that sold "Chinese" food. Before we went there, we stopped and grabbed some sushi at the store.

"What can I get you?" A lady asked.

"Uumm well we'll take 2 chicken fried rice, 3 shrimp fried rice, lemon chicken, orange chicken, terriaky chicken, pork pot stickers,
8 white rice, 12 wontons, 5 veggie rolls, and 5 pork rolls. That will be it." Carly ordered.

"Alright that will be $49.58."

Carly handed the cashier a fifty.

"We'll call your number when your order is ready."

We nodded and walked away.


Carly's POV

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called Carla.

"Hey, do you have plans?"
"You don't?"
"Would you and Jason want to come over and have dinner with us?"
"Alright. Awesome. I'll call you when we get to our house."
"Alright. Bye"
I hung up. I looked over and saw Anny staring at me. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He stopped staring and spoke up. "Is that why you ordered so much?"


"You didn't even ask first."

"You, them, or both?"



The conversation ended when our number was called. We grabbed the bags and walked home. We set up the table. Plates, silverware, food, and the last thing we needed were people. I called Carla and let her know. Ten minutes later they showed up and we dug in. We finished at about 8:00.

"Jason wait." He turned to look at me.


"Follow me real quick." He followed me to my room.

"Won't Anthony get mad that Im in your room?"

"No, he shouldn't." I walked over to my desk. "You left this here the last time you came over." I handed it to him.

"Thank you soooo much. I've been looking for this but I couldn't find it. You're my hero." I smiled.

"Who else have you said that to?" I kinda frowned when I asked that.

" one, just you."

I smiled really big. "You just made my night Jason." I hugged him. We left my room and walked down stairs. I walked him to the car. We hugged one last time and they left, I went back inside to find Anthony smiling like an idiot. "What?"

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