4. New, spicy, & different

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Looking into the mirror, I frown and assess my outfit. "Is this casual enough? Or is it too casual?" I think out loud to myself as I look over my Khaki pants and light blue button up shirt that was open at the collar revealing a glimpse of my tan skin underneath. Jane loves whenever I wear this....I wonder if Kat will like it too?

Putting my phone to my ear once I dial out Kat's number, I fidget around as the phone rings. She gave me her number before she left my office yesterday. We are suppose to meet at her place and then leave from there together because wherever we are going, it is closer to her place then it is mine. I still have no clue as to what we are going to do, which makes me nervous as hell and confused on what to wear.

"Jack, I can practically taste your anxiety over the phone." Kat's amused tone floats out upon her picking up. I clear my throat and try not to focus on the chills that are running down my spine from hearing her voice. "Um what do you think, I should wear? You said to dress comfortably but_"

"What are you wearing Jack?" she asks cutting me off. I can hear running water on her end and clicking of heels. "khaki pants, clark loafers, and a button up light blue shirt." I say back.

"Just how many Khaki pants do you have Jack?"

"Um....lets see...I have probably ten pairs_"

"We will have to fix that Jack. I will help you shop for some wear another day. For today, thats fine. I have an outfit for you to change into when we get back from the excursion. There is somewhere I want to take you tonight."

"Where?" I ask knowing that she will refuse to tell me. Kat sighs, "Jack didn't you want a change of pace for your birthday? Something new and exciting? Something different?"

I nod my head and croak out, "Yes." her laughter floats out making me blush a deep red. "Then you shall have your adventure Jack but I will not tell you what it will be."

"Sorry, I don't mean to be difficult Kat. I-I really appreciate you wanting to do all of this with me."

"Don't apologize Jack and I will see you soon." with that she hangs up not waiting on my response.


I park the car while trying to pick my mouth up off the ground from the sight of the beautiful home before my eyes. Kat's place was on the outskirts of the city. The Modern glass two story home stood out solemnly on a hill over looking the city below. I am both struck by how beautiful yet creepy the place truly is.

The first floor of the home was encased in glass walls giving a great view of the home's modern chic decoration and to the breathtaking view of the city and ocean beyond it in the back drop. Ivy with beautiful pink flowers caught the sun's attention as they lie wrapped around the house and along the surrounding iron fencing  like a well loved friend. How can a young seemingly single female with only a cat be okay with living up here alone? Especially with her being so easily seen from the outside? Now grant it, the home is gated in and after being buzzed in I had to follow a long winding stone path to the house, but still any creep could just follow her one day and anything could happen.

The view into the second story of the glass house was discreetly covered by thin white linen like curtains that was subtly designed. My attention is snapped back to the front door opening to reveal a friendly Raja, who runs over to greet me. I immediately kneel down and gather the large cat into my arms. "Hey buddy" I whisper out as I stroke his beautiful regal head and underneath his chin.

"Raja doesn't like most people. This must be a good omen." An older man who is hunched over from age states matter of factly from the front door. I smile over at him and just nodded my head, not sure how to respond to his statement.

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