Dooms Day 2012, chapter 1 Chris and Savannah

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The date was December 21, 2012 everyone thought it was a myth but it truly happened, the world ended. Chris Thiery was prepared, everyone call him crazy but in this zombie infested world he had enough food to last him years. The year is now 2018. After 6 years of hiding in his house and killing zombies he has collected a semi-automatic carbine rifle, a bullet proof vest that he got from a wandering soldier zombie, a bow with about 25 arrows, and a katana.

He finally ran out of food, and now he needs to get going and find some more. He filled up his two canteens with water and filled up a backpack with rags, a lighter, spare clothes, some books, and a ice pack to keep him cool. He heads out the door, the yard is completely surrounded by trees so no one and no thing can see him. He decides that he he is gonna take his dirt bike because its good off road and can fit in between ditched cars and such. He checks the gas, he has a full tank and he goes. As much as he doesn't want to do it Chris starts heading towards Saint Cloud.

He finally made it to the high way it was clogged with cars of the people trying to escape the city when the zombies first attacked. he looked down the piles of cars see if he could see any zombies, none were in sight. He started heading towards town and passed the prison, he heard gun shots inside but he just kept going not wanting to get involved.

He parked the bike behind a destroyed sign, deciding that it would be better to go quietly on foot. He was crouch running, over the years he became able to move quickly while carrying a lot of weight. He stopped to see there was three restraints that where next to each other. They were McDonalds, Subway, and Wendys. They looked like no ones ever been in there, so he goes into Subway because it was the closest to him. The door was locked so he had to kick the glass, luckily there was no alarm because the government had believed they were made from electricity and EMP the whole country. They were really stupid for believing that.

Chris looked around making sure he didn't attract any zombies. It didn't seem like he did, but out of no where a zombie came at him from inside. He backed up two steps drew his katana, and sliced off the zombies head. It's body fell down two inches in front of his shoe. He holstered his katana and steeped inside the restaurant. he saw so much food. Chris saw all sorts of breads, meats, cheeses, and vegetables. He grabbed all that he could and put it in a plastic bags and headed off he decided that going back to the house would be bad considering no one was guarding it, so he decided to find somewhere well guarded and that would keep him hidden, he just had to figure out where.

All the way on the other side of town is a girl name Savannah Jones, she is wondering around what used to be Technical High School. The place is a ghost town there is nothing in sight and there are no moans or any other sounds. She looks into her old classrooms and sees flipped desks and blood on the floor. She sits in a corner and starts to cry thinking that she will be next. Suddenly she hears a crash and a lot of moans from outside the room she was in. She quickly reacted and closes the door. She pushing desks and shelves in front of the door. They must if heard her, because they start banging at the door trying to break it down. She didn't have any weapons or any other supplies, so she looks out the window there are no zombies, but she's afraid to jump because she's on the third floor. Savannah hears a loud smash. She looks back to see zombies coming at her from the doorway, so she is forced to make the hard decision and jump. She lands and roles so she doesn't break her leg, but she does sprain her ankle.

She runs trying to ignore the pain by dodging the mindless monsters trying to eat her. she runs for about a mile and finds a unlocked house she runs inside and locks the door. She closes the black curtains so nothing can see her inside. She has learned a lot over the years like when it's light out u can use bright lights, but at night she should use candles so she has light and no one can see her inside. Before the infection began to spread she was loud and obnoxious, but still very smart. Watching her friends and family being eaten and turn into zombies turned her quiet and very skillful girl. She believed she had no friends left, not know Chris was alive. She found a 22mm pistol in a drawer with one bullet. She sat there and cried thinking about everyone she has lost wondering if she should just end all the pain.

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