Heaven high

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(Note: this story has half dog/ half people in it.)

Shibe slowly put on his uniform, sighing. He wasn't looking forward to going to the new school. His house burned down only a month ago...him and his sister, Pom, were the only ones to survive. His sister had become even more obsessed with the Internet then she was before due to the traumatic event. The Internet was her way to escape the word of reality. Shibe respected that. Though...whenever the wifi went out...

"WHERE DA WIFI?!?!?!" Pom yelled from her room next to his. Shibe sighed hearing his sister spaz. He walked into the bed room seeing his fluffy tailed sister pound vigorously on the keyboard.

"Pom, there are certain areas of the school that don't have wifi so you'll have to get used to-"

"Shibe shush! I was in the middle of reading a Yaoi fanfic!!! Now I'll never know if Romano excepts Spain's love!" Shibe raised an blonde eyebrow.

"Well um....you should probably get ready for school...I'll be at the bus stop waiting." He told her walking out letting her scream about some kind of Hetalia relationship. The winter air chilled Shibe to the bone. The uniform wasn't very warm. The skin tight white shirt and blue blazer weren't as toasty as he hoped. The black jean pants were a little warmer but not by much. He felt bad for the girls though. Having to wear those high skirts and blue sweaters. Other boys starred at the girls hungrily as if they were pieces of meat. Shibe sighed heavily seeing the display. 'Hopefully not all the boys are like that...' Pom walked out of the house clutching her pink laptop to her chest her pink flower rested on her puppy ears. The bus slowly pulled up to the curb and all the kids piled in. Pom ran to a girl with long white hair and plopped down next to her. They began giggling and talking about various things that Shibe knew nothing about. His crimson eyes scanned the bus for any opened sits but, being the shy kid he was, he didn't know if he should-

"Hey! There's a seat over here!" A deep voice rumbled from the back of the bus. Shibe slowly walked up the dark haired boy. His icy blue eyes were mesmerizing to say the least. Not only that but the teenage had this dangerous air about him. Shibe sat next to the dark teen, blushing lightly.

"Th-thanks." Shibe stuttered not making eye contact with the tall boy.

"No problem. I haven't seen you around before. You new?" The blonde nodded blushing more profusely.

"Y-yea...I'm Shibe...I'm a sophomore." The icy eyed boy smiled brilliantly.

"Really? Me too. I'll be able to help you around if you'd like."

"Um...I'll let you know if I need help.." He told him nervously.

The bus stopped at the school and all the kids filed out laughing loudly and talking about randomness.

"Well, Shibe, I'll see you around." The teenager said in a husky voice as he jumped off the bus.

"W-wait!" Shibe called to him. "I-I don't know your name!" The mysterious boy turned around and grinned at him, warmly.

"I'm Hus!" The black haired boy told him before racing off to class.

"Hus..." Shibe whispered as he smiled dreamily.

"Ho-Ho-Homo!" Pom yelled from behind him.

"Shut up!!!" Shibe whinnied adorably.

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