Part 1

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"Ginny you will get what you have always wanted very soon but you will have to work for it" Rose said to her

"what what do you mean "Ginny whimpered

"what I had and lot to this illness " and with that Rose was gone and Ginny shot straight up out of bed she had had a dream where Rose came to visit her

"what did she mean" Ginny said out loud then she heard Linda cried out for her and realized what Rose had that she always wanted a child


the next morning she called her doctor to ask if they had any appointment open and they had one at 12:30 the next day so she scheduled it 


the next day she went to her appointment as planned and when she got there they called her back five minutes after she sat down

"so what are we here for today Ginny" Doctor Kennedy asked

"well I was wondering if it was still possible for me to get pregnant and stay pregnant because I have always wanted a baby and well I have had five miscarriages in the past and my friend who knows a lot about chemical said it was because of the chemical runoff in the well water and well I didn't know if it was that or because I simply couldn't carry a child that and I don't know if I'm too old for it" Ginny explained

"well we will have to do a urine test and a blood test to be sure"the Doctor said 

"ok" Ginny said and they took her blood then had her go and pee in a cup then the took it to the lab and the Doctor said that it should be back in a hour so she could sleep if she wanted to and she did


she woke up to the doctor walking in the room

"so what is the news doc"Ginny asked on edge

"I'm sorry but you CAN have children" the doctor said with a bright smile on his face

"wait I can" Ginny said as she hoped up out of her place on the bed and Hugged Dr.Kennedy and he hugged her back after th shock of her hugging him wore off

"yep your miscarriages where most likely because of the water run off into you well" he concluded

"well if thats the case then I want to have you artificially inseminate me with the man of my choice" Ginny concluded

"ok we will set up an appointment with you when you have picked out your man" the Doctor said

"ok" Ginny said happily as she walked out of the office and home because she had to go pick up the girls from school because Pammy doesn't have a car


when she gets to the school she waits for like five minutes for the girls to find her car she planned on telling  them her plan that night over a nice dinner pf their favorite fried chicken and mashed potatoes with extra mashed potatoes for potato pancakes the next morning


when they got home Ginny set to work on making the chicken and potatoes 

when the chicken and potatoes where done the sat down to eat supper

"so I have some big news to share with you guys"Ginny started off

"and what is that" Pammy said kind of scared that their aunt Ginny would leave them like there mother did

"you guys will be meeting a new person soon" she stated

"and what do you mean by that aunt Ginny"Linda asked

"well I went to the doctors today and they said I could still have a baby and you know how much I have always wanted a baby so I was wondering if you guys would help me pick out my babies' father to I can call the doctor and tell them who it is so I can get artificially inseminated as son as possible and they gave me this little book of men who froze there sperm cells"Ginny said

"really"the two girls cheered happy for the aunt

 "so you guys will help me find the man to fulfill my dreams"Ginny cheered

"of course why wouldn't we I mean we know how much you wished we where your's"Pammy giggled

"yeah"Linda giggled along with her

"you did"Ginny said as she tried tried to hide her blushing face

"yeah I even think mommy knew thats why she called you to take us when she died because she knew you would treat us like your own daughters" Pammy said taking her aunt's hand 

"you do I mean I never meant for anyone to know how jealous I was of your mother she got everything I ever wanted I mean she got you guys and she got Jess and she never let anything go and never let anything or anyone get in her way for what she wanted" Ginny said bashfully


later that night when they finished the dishes after supper they sat on the couch and looked through the book till the found the perfect guy he had no illnesses running through hid family and by the picture he was gorgeous his name was Preston Henderson and he lived near by but they didn't know who he was

"he is the one"Ginny clarified "I will set up the appointment tomorrow after breakfast" Ginny said excitedly


the next morning she called and scheduled the appointment for that day and 4:30 the girls where going to a friends house that afternoon to study


she went to the appointment 

"back so soon I see you found you baby daddy" Dr.Kennedy said

"uh yeah me and my nieces who live with me after their mother past last year helped me pick him out "Ginny explained

"well at least I know you are eager for this procedure but you do realize it is only a fifty fifty chance it will take"Dr.Kennedy said with dread in his voice he always hated when a nice woman comes into his office for this procedure and it doesn't take and she is let done he hated the look they got n there face

"I know but I have faith in God that is will work" Ginny said matter of factually 

"ok this might pinch or it might make you man I have had both happen"he laughed before he slowly inserted the injector full of Preston's semen making Ginny moan in pleasure but she soon stop and covered her face as she blushed because of the fact but when Dr.Kennedy injected the semen she couldnt help but to moan as the warm liquid entered her Dr. Kennedy let it sit inside her for a minute till he pulled it out causing Ginny the grunt at the feeling 

"ok well we are done here for the day and you should have you results in little under a month"Dr.Kennedy said taking his gloves off and sending Ginny on her way she went to pick up the girls from their friends house and they where going to eat out a some Chinese restaurant the girls liked


that night Ginny sat in her bed with her hand on her stomach

"please lord let me carry this baby let me give you another child to care for "Ginny said before she turned over to her side her hand still on her stomach and she fell asleep in that position with her wishes in God's hands

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