Part 3

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they watched movies like the lampoon's vacations all of them from the first to the last one by the end of the last one the girls where asleep on the couch Pammy leaning  on the arm rest and Linda leaning against Ginny so Ginny slowly move out from under Lind and laid her head on the arm rest like her sister's then she grabbed the throw off the chair next to her and placed it on them both tucking them in then she head off to her room to go to sleep thank god tomorrow was Saturday and they didn't have anything important going on that day so they could sleep in she was so grateful for the gift god had given her , her little love bugs is what she called them


she went to bed but when she laid down she placed her hand on her flat stomach and let a single tear fall down her cheek she was so happy but she was scared all at the same time she was afraid she was going miscarry like she did all the other she didn't know if she could take that blow again not after trying to hide three of the five she had but she promised herself she would do everything in her power to not let that happen 

"hello my sweethearts mommy loves you I hope you know that mommy has been waiting for you for so long and mommy promises to never let anything happen to you she will protect now I have never met your father but I'm sure he is a lovely man maybe one day we will meet him but i don't know mommy loves you good night my darlings" Ginny said rolling over and falling asleep instantly 


the next morning the girls were up before Ginny so they decided to make breakfast for their aunt after all she is newly pregnant and with twins so that was a lot of stress on her body so they wanted her to take it easy because they knew about the miscarriages because Ginny decided she didn't want to keep anything from them so she told them and the last thing they wanted to happen was her miscarry they them selves know she would be able to make it the blow would break her final strand of life 

they decided upon making french toast eggs and bacon the had finished making breakfast and where ready to bring it up to her when she stepped out of the hall that led to the bedrooms one hand on her stomach and the other over her head will she stretched tiredly "good morning girls" she said yawning

"morning aunt Ginny how are you feeling this morning" Pammy asked

"fine thank you how about you" Pammy didn't get to answer because the smell of french toast hit her nose and she made a b-line for the bathroom and as soon as she reached the bathroom she threw up the popcorn and other things that was still in her stomach from the night before she read somewhere yesterday when she was waiting for the girls to come home  she read up on thing on her computer she saw that there was a possibility that when caring twins you could have morning sickness for the whole of the pregnancy and she hoped that wouldn't happen to her when she was done throwing up her stomach she stood then brushed her teeth

"are you ok aunt Ginny" Linda said 

"oh just morning sickness" Ginny answered

"oh " was all that came out of her mouth

"yeppers"Ginny said trying to change the subject she wasn't all to ok with talking about herself she felt like it made her look self centered and she hated it she was taught that the world doesn't revolve around her " so about breakfast I'm famished" they looked at her like sh was crazy

"how" their jaws dropped

"well you see there is this magical thing called pregnant and might I add it's twins so you know I'm eating for three and mamma wants her food" she giggle causing the girls to giggle along with her

"ok" the laughed 


after they ate breakfast Ginny had thrown up like four times but she was ok with some what she hated the fact that she had to throw up but she was ok with the fact the it meant her babied where growing and where protected from anything harmful that might hurt them at least inside the body other than that she would do everything in her power to not let anything harm them


  her stomach would settled down for a while till she had to throw up again then it would repeat it was like clock work she would get sick at the same time every day she worked through it the best she could so she tended to take shifts that started after 12 o'clock in the afternoon cause it would calm down then but it was still there when she smelled something her stomach didn't agree to other then that she was fine 


she was now 2 and a half months pregnant which means she was 10 weeks along and she couldn't wait for her 1st trimester to be over with she was done with throwing up constantly today she had a middle aged guy about her age who was one of her customers who seemed a little to interested in her but he resembled someone she knew but she couldn't put a finger on it but when she gave him the check back after he paid when she placed the card and receipt on the table he quick grabbed her hand  causing her to flinch 

"uh ha sorry I didn't mean to scare you but I know a pretty lady when I see one" he coughed at first then he spoke with his low raspy voice  

"well aren't you a smooth talker " Ginny blushed

"well when it comes to someone of your beauty I can't seem to stop and stare but it would be very nice of you to allow me to take you out to dinner say Friday night " he grinned oh that grin made Ginny weak at the knees

"hmm and what time mister smooth talker" "Ginny giggled

"well I was thinking maybe around seven thirty " he grinned because she was giving him a chance 

"well I guess I will have to take you up on that offer I wouldn't have you think of me mean now would I " she blushed

"well I guess not well I know you name but not where to pick  you up ma lady" he said gallantly standing up 

"well if you where kind enough to give me you phone number then I could call you some time an tell you before Friday and speaking of names what may yours be" she giggled

"well it would be prince charming" he grinned causing her to giggle

"again with the charming " she laughed

"well the name is Henderson, Preston Henderson ma lady" he bowed his entire top frame 

"I shall see you on Friday Preston she said walking away to her next table


when she got home that night she when through pictures she had and then thing she look through recently till she found him he was ......

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