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I noticed that your true creative potential emerges when you have to study, so thats when i decided to pick a random word and write whatever my mind made of it . In this case the first word that came to me was "Raindrop"

Drops of water fell as the agitation in the vapours of the sky increased. The droplets, first striking the green leaves and then rolling off of them like a child playing on a slide in his local park; where he knew each twist and turn, differentiating ever do slightly each time. As the mass of liquid slid down it took miniscule grains of dirt with it. The droplet wasn't as pure as it hit the ground as it was near the hymn of the sky.
The journey of the murky drop did not end with it touching the ground but it had been in this cycle for a long time. Longer than your time spent on Earth. You may as well respect the drop as one of your elderly; filled with experience, knowledge and sights incomprehensible. Been on the round of the galaxy for centuries. Passing, occasionally same places and sometimes entirely different. Slid down a child's face and sometimes slid down a gravestone, only to be absorbed into the grave. Greeted the remains and went on ahead. 

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