Candle light dinner

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"What is a candle light dinner?" I asked my mom.

"There are candles,so there is light,and then there is dinner!" Mom laughed.

"I want to have a candle light dinner!" My four year brother declared.

"Me too..please mum!" I pleaded as a nine year old girl.

"You both are silly.." Mom giggled and went out of the room.


It had all started with that tv show. Yes! A show. A man in that serial was saying something like a peaceful romantic candle light dinner. Though I knew the meaning of these three words separately, but when used together,they made no sense to me.
That night,I calculated something in my mind. I was determined. I couldn't sleep. I wriggled on the bed to reach mother who was about to sleep and whispered my calculations to her. She grinned and agreed. Oh yes!

The next day was special. It was half past six. My mom provided me with everything that I had asked for. Bread slices with butter, jam and cheese in a big plate,one large candle,matchbox,three glasses of mango squash..oh goodness!

I went to our dining room and put off the lights. Then I lighted a candle and placed it on the table. Then i called my brother and mum. We three sat,facing each other in the dim lit room;actually a room with a single candle lit!

Anyways,we munched our breads and gulped our juice. To keep the candle lit,we had to switch off the fan and my brother was complaining the room to be hot and humid. Mum and I laughed. Though we enjoyed our candle light dinner immensely, but since then I have concluded from my experience, that candle light dinner is,
Switching off your fans and bulbs to use more wax in the world..moreover, you will be very pleased if you are an energy saving pal.......seriously!

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