Percico a percy jackson fanfic

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Nico's pov.

Why do I have to think about Percy all the time, how come I like him in a way that shouldn't happen since were both guys.

I sigh sitting down on the grass and put my head between my hands. Why do my feelings for this have to be so complicated. It should be simple I shouldn't like him like I do.

"Are you ok Nico? You seem troubled by something." I look around and see Percy. Of course he shows up now.

I reply back with, "I'm alright there's just something on my mind right now."

"Do you want to talk about it? I might be able to help." Of course that would be Percy always willing to help out a friend.

"Just have you ever had something about yourself that you wished you didn't have to deal with because it would so much easier?"

"Ive been kicked out of so many schools I'm beginning to lose count." He laughs slightly, "of course I feel like that sometimes. What is it for you, the thing you don't like? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to though."

"I'd rather not tell you at least not right now, not when it's still hard for me to admit to myself."

Why am I saying this stuff to him... I shouldn't of said anything when he asked if I was ok.

"It must be pretty bad huh, He asks me. I nod slightly. "well just know, that" he starts moving closer to me, "whatever it is I won't judge you on it, I won't laugh. I'll accept who you are no matter what, no matter what how bad something about you can be I'll accept you."

I look at him. Why'd he have to say things like this, it only made me like him more. Which I honestly didn't need to happen right now, I sighed.

"You can tell me you know, it'll be alright you can trust me." He says that in a whisper and I only now notice how close his face has gotten to mine. My heart starts beating extremely fast, " are you sure you want me to tell you?" He nods "c'mon you can say it."

"Percy, I like you, I like you more than a friend." I whisper to him. I stare at him, ready for him to hate me now or not want to talk to anymore. I was sure he was going to reject me in some way after this.

"Nico", he whispered then he did something completely unexpected. He kissed me. I stood there in shock for a few moments. Then I started kissing him back. I ran my fingers through his hair glad to have him here with me at this moment, glad to be kissing him like this. He wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"Let's stay like this forever, ok?" I look at him and nod. We start kissing again deeper and more passionately, until I notice Annabeth,leo,Grover, and some of the others watching us.

"Um Percy", I say. "Hmm?" He looks at me. "Turn around it seems like we have an audience."

"What!" He spins around. "Oh, hi guys what's up? How's it going?" He says when he sees them.

Grover's the first to speak "Oh you know, just watching my best friend kiss another guy, nothing out of the ordinary," he says the last part sarcastically, "but don't worry we were actually kind of expecting this to happen."

"You were?" Percy looks confused. "No not really, but were alright with you two dating if that's what your doing." I look at Percy, were we dating now? He grabs my hand and smiles at me so I guess that confirms that.

Percy walks up to Annabeth, "are you alright with this?" I wonder what she'll say I know Annabeth used to have feelings for Percy and maybe he had feelings for her too.

"As long as your happy seaweed brain." I assume that means she's ok with us."Well anyways it's almost time for dinner so were heading back." She says as she and the others start walking back.

They leave, Percy comes up behind me Putting his hands around my waist he says, "see everything's going to be alright." He kisses my head. "Now let's get back to camp so were not late for dinner." He grabs my hand then we walk back to the camp, it really does seem like things are going to be ok.

Percico a percy jackson fanficWhere stories live. Discover now