chapter 4

141 11 5

Double update! Wooooo!


You know that feeling? When you don't care about anything anymore. Or its like your emotions are just completely fucked up. That's pretty much how I'm feeling.

And it's also like your carefree but your actually depressed and you just want to cry and scream yet your laughing. Laughing at yourself because how pathetic you are. I honestly feel like a psychopath.

Oh how pathetic I am. Ha. I can do well without anyone, right? I don't need anyone to love me. Or perhaps be there for me. I would be better without anyone. Everyone would be better off without me.

You know what? I'm fucking done. I feel great and I don't fucking give a shit. I'm going to go out and enjoy this hell.

I grabbed my coat and slipped on my shoes. This will be the first time I go out in a week or so. My body needs this. I opened the front door. Cloudy? This is wonderful.

I trotted down the steps with a smirk and breathed in the cool, crisp air. This. This is what I needed.

I calmly walked on the sidewalk passing unfamiliar faces. From now on I will be independent. Be yourself Naruto. Go out and have fun. You don't need that little shit. I chuckled lightly at the thought of a piece of shit with a duckass hairstyle. Hehe.

I signed and stared to skip. Looking at my surroundings there was a river. What the- Ooooh. I wasn't paying attention to anything. I grinned and continued to skip.

I'll enjoy a walk by this river then later I'll go get ice cream and then... And then... I struggled to find something else to do but I was so giddy about my plans for today.

What. There is the lights that are going on now. I giggled joyfully. I'll go there too!

I ran down the pathway by the river and stopped as I saw fishes jumping out and diving back in. I happily climbed down the rocks and sat on a big one that was close to the water. Pretty. The slight ray of sun coming through the clouds shines off the water creating a crystal like effect.

After hours of playing around my stomach started to rumble. Hehe let's go get ice cream! I stood up and walked away from the river. Today is pretty good so far.

Walking to the closest ice cream parlor I picked our a couple of flowers. So so beautiful. I finally reached my destination. A kind older man opened the door and was greeted by my friend that worked there.

"Naruto!" The familiar brunette jumped over the counter and hugged me.

"Tenten!" I hugged back. Jeez the last time I saw her she was pretty delicate now she's like a bone crushing turtle or something. She grew. I laughed.

"Tenten. What did I say about the counters?" A white headed man sighed as he looked at her sternly.

"Sorry Kakashi. But hey! Naruto is here!" She yelled with a smile and letting me go. Kakashi seemed surprised.

"How are you weirdo?" Kakashi said causing me to raise my eyebrow in confusion. He changed. Probably because of Iruka. I smiled.

"I'm pretty good so far, how are you shit head?" I laughed as Tenten lightly shoved my shoulder. Kakashi smirked. "Not bad, well until you came here." He laughed and held his stomach when his laughter grew.

"Kakashi! Don't be rude to Naruto and that goes for you too!" Tenten pointed at me then started laughing. I stepped back slightly away from here. Crazy.

"Um soooo can I have a vanilla and strawberry swirl?" They looked at me confused. "You guys work here. An ice cream parlor." They seemed to remember. Haha weirdos. Kakashi and Tenten nodded as they went back behind the counter.

After finishing my ice cream and chatting with the two we said our goodbyes and I departed from them.

Its getting pretty late. Its already 6:48. The lights should be starting. As I walked to the park were the lights were, it started getting a little bit chilly. I hugged my coat closer to my chest and sighed, a little transparent white cloud appeared then slowly faded away.

I arrived at the park a little later then expected but the lights were already on. Magnificent. My legs carried me across half of the park, which took half an hour. I looked at my watch. 7:49. The sun was down and the stars and moon was out. This is beautiful.

I enjoyed the rest of the lights. I smiled but felt a water droplet plop on my forehead and run down. Soon it started to drizzle. Hmm. I should get an umbrella or something. I walked to a hot cocoa stand and smiled at everyone who passed by.

I ordered a cup and carefully sipped at the hot contents inside. This is soooooo warm. I continued to I guess, 'fangirl', over my cup of hot cocoa. After a couple of more sips I clutched it closely to my chest. I moaned at the warmness. The drizzle is getting heavier.

I pulled my hoodie over my crazy blonde locks and smiled. I'm smiling way to much today. Oh well. I just walked around a little more until I stumbled across a little house, well a display thingy where you could go inside. Hehe I'll go in there.

I ducked down slightly and walked in there. There was lights, decorations, people in costumes and much more.

I explored everything in there and made my way towards the exit. I stuffed the candy that I got in my pocket and ducked down. I should be heading home now. I walked out looking down.

I'm tired. I started walking away sipping my hot cocoa still. I sighed once again and smiled.... Again. I don't need anyone when I could do this without any distractions.

I wasn't paying attention when I walked into someone. "I'm so sorr-" No. It can't be.



Just another shitty chapter. I think I rushed at the end but oh well.


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