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She ran, numb with fear and pain. There was only so much time he could by for her. And it was quickly running out. Her only hope was the entrance of the veil. She stumbled over a dead shrub. The dead grasses around her seemed to moan in the bitter cold wind. The grasses were starting to give way to small bushes and shrubs. "Good, almost there" she muttered.

Soon dead trees surrounded her on all sides. She could see the ring. She let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. The rock ring encircled the oak tree. The dead oak tree was tall and almost a shadow as she rushed towards the tree. They were coming, she could hear their capes snapping in the brittle wind. Their footsteps falling on dead leaves.

She rushed up to the ancient tree. The sounds of pursuit were growing closer. She quickly started to scramble up the tree. The dying bark was rough against her bare hands, and feet. The branches creaked under her weight, threatening to snap. She was close to the top when the branch her arm was relying on to pull herself up, snapped. She slid down the tree ripping her silky pants, fine wool shirt, and the precious cargo's wrap.

She cursed, and leapt the 7 feet she had just fallen. To simple teli's this would have seemed impossible, but the outlaws were banished for no telepathy, and now so much more. . The cargo seemed even heavier as she leapt through the huge hole at the top of the old tree. She was safe, for now. She rushed through the new landscape, a lush swampland.

The boat was waiting where she had left it. But Kai wasn't the only person in the boat, Skree was in the boat with him. Kai was shouting at her "Go! It's a trap! Turn around Lya!" Lya gasped. Skree stabbed him with a knife strait through is stomach. It was a back attack, for that most men would be executed. Toi jumped down from his hidden spot in the trees. Skree nodded, Toi shoved Kai's body into the lake.

Lya turned tears in her eyes. Tara walked forward, suddenly a voice invaded her mind. 'You were foolish to try to hide it here.' Lya started at the women with tears blurring her vision. "This package isn't an it! Just because they don't have telepathy doesn't mean death is the right thing to do!" The tall women looked down at Lya, her deep violet eyes intense, her raven black hair cascading down her proud shoulders.

Her voice broke through the terror in Lya's mind 'Lya this is know I do not have the power to change these laws' Lya looked at her with a look of absolute hatred and shrieked, "You are monsters! You and the rest of the Lords and Ladies of Justice! Justice my HULF!" Tara stepped forward and slapped Lya. 'You will learn to respect your leaders!' Tara's voice hissed. Lya's looked up, and her bloody grin laughed at the evil Lady of Justice. She spat out some blood and in a smug voice continued.

"You think that I CARE what you think?! I could care less for you pathetic Telelithies! My job is to protect those who are within your range of power, and can't help themselves. And your job is to make sure that if someone pisses you off, to wipe them off the face of the planet." Lya paused, then added "And I think you are a tralla. Oh, Kai wants you to know he thinks you are hulf."

Tara's glare could have melted the polar ice caps, then it dawned on her 'WHAT!' Lya's smirk told Tara all she needed to know, unfortunately Lya and Kai didn't want her to only know. Oh, no, they wanted to see the pain on her face when they destroyed her.

Kai erupted from the water, glowing light blue. The water held him several Kracks high, his wound was gone. For the first time ever Lya saw the look of terror on Tara's face. Lya set the package in a hidden pocket on the side if the path.

She concentrated. It was kind of like a wall slowly being drawn into a slot in the earth. The water starts to come slowly but then when the wall is drawn back all the way it's like a waterfall. The surge overtook her.

Tara gawked at Kai as he battled her two companions with tendrils of water. Tara turned, sensing heat. When she saw Lya her heart skipped a beat.

Lya's wavy brown hair was no longer in a braid. Her hair was sticking straight up radiating heat, the color of molten lava. Her eyes were glowing white, with no pupil. Her normally pale skin was now the color of volcanic rock. Her ragged clothes were now a cream colored dress that held the new order's symbol on a pin. The pin was 12 simple lines made into a strange looking symbol. She seemed to be hanging in the air.

Tara shook 'No. NO. NO!! She said this wouldn't happen for the next millennia!' Lya just smiled down at her, now it wasn't a nice pretty smile. It's the kind of smile that you give someone when you know that you've finally beat them and now they are going to pay for what they've done.

"Don't worry Tara she will be well taken care of." Tara looked at her confused 'But you took BOTH of them! What do you mean her! You don't have the boy?!' Lya was now looking confused "We only have the girl. It was too much of a risk to take the boy. I would have been dead the moment I stepped out of the nursery." Tara turned back to Skree and Toi 'They don't have the heir!! They only have the girl!' Skree looked back at her '*#@^@%^@* woman! Why did you have us come after them if they don't have the storm'n heir?!' Lya had never heard of a Justice who had such an uncontrolled vocabulary.

With a puff of air the 3 Justices were gone. Lya and Kai looked at each other, a look of concern on their faces. Lya scoped up the bundle, she rocked it in her arms. 'Why did they think we had the boy?' Lya was going to figure out the answer. But little did she know how easy the answer was. The baby boy had run away.


Thank you SO much for reading this! Please comment below on how you think I did. 

Again thank you for reading this. You rock. You shine. You glow. You're never too low. You're a light. Keep Smiling.

-Leigh Treaty 

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