Chapter 2

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Ashlynn jogged up the hill, she could hear the rest of the group setting up. She got to the crest, in the distance she could see mountains reaching above the clouds. But more importantly at an alarmingly fast rate a cloud of dust was traveling across the dead prairie towards them. She signaled the others, click-click-click. The forest behind her became silent. As the dust cloud grew nearer she started to get nervous, and antsy. What if things went wrong? Like she was trampled, or stabbed, or...or. Something whizzed pass her head barley a finger's width away. Her sword was out almost immediately.

The next projectile thudded into the ground at her feet, it was a gleaming silver arrow. The tip was coated in a sulfurous smelling gel. Poison. CLICK, she signaled the rest of the team. She herd their responses. One of the responses was asking her to get to a protected area, which shocked her. No one in the group had said anything that she thought was kind, or worried.

She was jolted back into reality as an arrow got tangled in her light brown ponytail. She struggled to detangle it. The cloud was growing closer and closer. She could hear the sounds of shouting, and struggle. A sudden shock of pain shot through her left arm.

She looked, and imbedded there was a bristling silver arrow. She painfully signaled her team, something was wrong, click-knack-clack. Brain came rushing up the hill a couple minutes longer. When he got to the top he gasped. Ashlynn was laying down, pale with a cold sweat, and a burning fever.

The approaching dust cloud was only a few hundred yards off at best. Brain propped Ashlynn up, and helped her stand. He helped her wobble down the hill. Spencer saw them before they even got to the beginning of the forest. Clack-click, what happened?! Clack-knack, don't know! Ashlynn heard a quiet whoosh, and snap. "DUCK!" She shrieked, she and Brain dove down right as an arrow whizzed right above their heads, and thudded into the tree right in front of them.

Ashlynn ripped her sword out of its scabbard, and intercepted the swing of the attacking swordsmen. His face showed shock, she had been hit in the arm with an arrow, then she intercepted his quiet and quick cut. She shoved him back. Ashlynn was now caked in sweat. Her left arm lay limp at her side quivering, and burning. She lifted her sword with her good arm, the man dropped into a squatting position. Ashlynn wasn't in the mood to play, she dropped her sword. The second it hit the ground she was punching him in the gut.

She whisked away, he hadn't seen where she had zipped to. He circled cautiously, she dropped right on his head feet first. He face planted into the ground. Ashlynn tied him to a tree that happened to be right under where Spencer was. He was staring down in astonishment, he wasn't completely what he had just seen. Ashlynn climbed up a tree with her one good arm and started to take out the arrow. She inspected it more, it had been shot from the front, good...and bad. That meant this fight was not a test, it was real. But it did mean no one was going to be executed because of the behind the back attack.

Ashlynn pulled the leather band off her wrist. She bit down on her leather band, so as not to scream. The pain was so immense that black splotches started to dance in her vision. When it was out she just tied her swaddling cloth around the wound. It still hurt but now she could fight. She slid down the tree, her sword was out before the man behind her could raise his club.

He grunted as she slammed her hilt into his head. Then while he was disoriented she slammed his head into the tree, he passed out with a loud moan. Ashlynn heard heavy breathing, and pounding footsteps coming down the hill. The person was carrying the bundle, while being chased by a wild majestic animal with a silver cladded rider.

Ashlynn had never seen such a creature before. It had a long tail of hair, and long hair cascading down its firm neck. It had bright intelligent eyes. It had a sturdy body with four muscled legs that carried the animal from a run to a gallop.

The cloaked person was surprised because they hadn't been expecting this defense unit. The carrier nodded in recognition to Ashlynn, then charged past her. The majestic creature's rider was a women with raven black hair that clung to the sides of her face.

She looked old and worn. Her purple eyes were full of anger, but when she saw Ashlynn she stopped. I look of realization swept over her face. Then with a sharp blow of her foot the majestic animal was charging at Ashlynn. Ashlynn ran, she ran like her life was on the line. And it was. She had the advantage of her head start and she was slowly releasing her power. She was keeping in the lead. She finally let the dam holding back her power collapse. She felt the surge as she sped up. She was nearly to the hill where she could double back. Not seeing the aardvark hole, and the snake within. She fell and twisted her ankle. She tripped right as the woman gained speed.

Ashlynn cursed. And pulled her foot free. The woman on the beast shouted something. She lifted a staff, it glowed an eerie purple.

Ashlynn paled, "A Justice. A Justice has found us."














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