Chapter One

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AN: So... Snarry. Snarry soulmates. I think I have problems.

I swear I have some odd obsession with snarky and sarcastic and powerful characters. Mycroft and Draco and now Severus. Then I put them with earnest, milder but potent characters.

Well, I don't know if Harry is exactly mild, but what the hell. Ah, well, there's nothing for it. Guess I have to write more!

Just a little plot bunny that burrowed its way into my head. I think I got the idea from another story, but to be honest I'm not sure where.

Anyway, no I do not own any of JK Rowling's characters or plot or anything else you might recognize here.

Enjoy, bros!


Severus allowed a light smirk to play over his features as he looked over his notes and finished potion with satisfaction. He carefully ladled exactly one half liter into a shallow porcelain dish, watching as the pearlescent liquid spread over the plate, creating a mirrored surface in the harsh light of his personal dungeons lab.

This was the potion that Severus had been developing. It had taken him the last sixteen years, ever since Lily died, to perfect it, but he had finally made it. The war had ground Severus' work nearly to a halt, but he had been determined to finish before he died, if only for Lily. That was probably one of the main reasons he was alive here and now, having persevered in the face of death to finish this one last thing for his sister figure. Here he was, nearly a year after he had been so close to death in the final battle, with his goals accomplished.

Snape had already written, finished, edited, and tweaked the article detailing the potion's purpose, processes, theory, and future applications. Currently the massive thing was sitting on the desk of multiple publishers around the wizarding world, as many as he was able to contact.

The recipe of the potion was tricky, filled with as many switchbacks and precision, intuitiveness and formula, frustration and beauty as the potion's purpose itself. The ingredients were not particularly rare, nor were they common. The prices would most likely go up, though, as soon as the article breached the market. It was the perfect potion, in Severus' opinion.

As well it should be. He developed it, fueled by his own desire, desperation, and guilt. The complicated potion was incredibly delicate yet tenacious. The trick was not to follow directions exactly, but to listen to one's intuition and one's heart when making the finicky concoction. It was a work of art, both in craft, appearance, and function.

Severus stared at his pearlescent reflection. Amare Speculae was his life's work. And now he was going to test it on himself.

He wasn't sure he would like what he saw in the mirror, but Snape told himself that he would accept whoever the potion showed him. After all, if it was the person he had in mind and his repressed feelings were, in fact, correct, then Severus would be relieved. He would have finally got it right after so long. If not, then he would go to this other being that the reflection showed to him. He couldn't afford to be picky this late in life, not with a history, reputation, and appearance as he had.

No, the "who" was not the fear that Severus held foremost in his mind. He feared an empty image, the absence of a face. Then he would surely die inside, when he had persevered through so much and bore so much weight and hate through the years. An empty reflection would finally break that last tenacious thread to sanity that remained.

But no, that would not happen. Severus had spent half of his life on this potion and hell of he wasn't going to put it to good use. He drew in a breath, held it, and released it. Snape blinked one more time at his reflection, gathered his courage, and lifted his left arm.

A tiny silver knife drew over the meat of Severus' left thumb and blood ran down the appendage. A single burgundy drop fell into the liquid mirror, sending ripples of pale red through the milky substance.

Severus held his breath as he stared at the surface. A moment passed, then two, then three. And just as Severus was about to turn away, an image floated to the surface of the pinkish pool. The scent of grass, wood, and lemon oil wafted to Severus' nose as bright green eyes warmly regarded him. Dark curls obscured a lightning scar and tannish skin beckoned Severus to the image, to come to this conclusion with utmost certainty.

Snape took one step back, then another. He took one deep breath and stepped forward again to watch as the potion evaporated in waves, fog lifting heavily from the dish until the pool had shrunk to a drop, only one twinkle of green iris visible, then it vanished. Gone.

Severus sank to his knees as the fog of the soulmate revelation potion danced around him, the dungeon breeze playing cruel games with the mist, just as the mist played cruel games with his heart.

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