Good News

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Ginny smiles. She had just heard that her big brother George was going to be a father.
"Congrats, George, Ang!" She exclaims.
Hermione glances quickly at Ron before looking at her hands.
Ron flushes, since he noticed her.
"God, just ask her out or something," Ginny mutters.
"Nothing!" Ginny chirps.
She looks at her husband, Harry. They were young. She was only twenty-one, and he was only a year older.
They had just bought a house at Godric's Hallow. It was a sweet small house, with photos of when Ginny was young. Harry hadn't any photos, but he put up photos of when he was at Hogwarts.
"Gin?" She hears.
"Huh? What?" She snaps up.
"I was just saying that I have a date tonight," Ron bluffs.
"Yeah. And you thought I'd never have a relationship."
Ginny notices Hermione squirming.
"You can't go on that date!" Ginny protests loudly.
The family looks shocked.
"Why not?" Ron says, as if challenging her, whipping out his wand.
"Because..... Because..... Because Hermione likes you!" Ginny blurts.
Hermione turns scarlet. Ron turns crimson. They glance at each other.
Harry grabs Ginny's arm and they apparate home immediately.
"Wow," Harry voices.
Ginny blushes. "Sorry. I had to."
"Gin, I don't care. They deserve to get told to, they're such babies. I mean, I kissed you in the common room after the Quidditch game," Harry reminisces.
Ginny smiles. "Best day of my life."
"What about right now?" Harry pulls his wife into a kiss.
Ginny laughs. "Maybe better."

"Come on, Ginny, just take it!"
Hermione whines.
"Fine. Give me some privacy." Ginny locks herself into the bathroom. Five minutes later, she comes out.
"So?" Hermione continues eagerly.
"Eek! Yay! You're gonna have a baby!"
"I know. Have you and Ron started dating yet?"
Hermione blushes. "Few weeks ago," she murmurs.
"Good. Now I've got some news to tell Harry!"

"Wow, what's all this?" Harry asks, awed. He glances around the living room. Ginny had decorated for Christmas a tad early, putting up the tree, lights, and stockings.
"Well.... I have some news," Ginny says lightly.
"Um.... You said you always wanted a family, right?"
"Er, I'm pregnant."
Harry's eyes light up.
"Gin! This is amazing!" He lifts Ginny off her feet and twirls her around.

"WHAT!?!?" Ron shouts. Ginny has seen Ron get mad before but never like this.
"Ron! Ronald! Calm down!"
Molly shrieks.
"Blimey! Calm it!" George yells. He protectively guards Angelina and her baby bump.
"WAAAAH!" Victoire and Teddy both begin to wail. Teddy is only four, Victoire just three.
"R-Ron!" Hermione squeaks, frightened. She always despised Harry and Ron's outbursts.
Ron settles just a bit.
"Harry. How could you?! I THOUGHT WE WERE MATES!"
"W-we are!" Harry stands up.
"Then how could you be so stupid?! She's pregnant now!"
"RON." Suddenly Hermione's voice rings loudest above the crowd.
"Huh?" Ron and Harry both turn to her.
She's standing tall, glaring forcefully at Ron.
"If you can't understand how much they love each other, then how am I supposed to think you love me?" She shouted, anger clouding her words.
"I do love you," Ron says weakly.
"I don't think so!" Hermione shrieks.
"How else can I prove it?"
The entire family, at yet another one of their family gatherings, were shocked out of their wit. Even the toddlers have stopped crying just to watch.
"Well, I'm leaving!" Hermione exclaims deliriously.
"Stop!" Ron bellows.
Hermione whips around.
"M-marry me?" Ron whispers.
"What?" Hermione breathes.
"Marry me!" Ron exclaims.
Hermione looks shocked. She slowly nods.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!"


Yay! Remione time!
Ginny's pregnant, yay :)

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