arranged Song Cry

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Sage apartment 2 days later


We were at my apartment watching high school when there was a knock on my door.I got up and answer it and diggy Simmons was there.

Me: can I help u

Diggy: um are you sage

Me: yes

Diggy: your dad wanted us to meet and he said that he wants to go out today. so he wants u dressed ando to wait for you while u get dressed.

Me: o of course um come in its gon take me a while. so just sit on the couch with the rest of the dudes.

We walked in and he went to the living room and he dapped up Mike and EJ

Me: well Mike and E imma have to go out in a few. so Yea y'all gon have to leave or lock up when I leave OK.

EJ: Yea ok

Diggy: o take your time your dad wants me to get to know you since we are arranged

Me: arranged for what

Diggy: that's what the dinner for can't say

Me: OK


E: so this is the arrange thing u were talking about 2 years ago that your parents told you about

Diggy: Yea sage dad and my parents arrange for us to b married

I chocked on my drink

Me: o that's not tru she my girl

EJ: shit that's messed up

Diggy: aye I have a girl that I love but we are forced to do this

Me: well she not bout to be

Diggy: it has to happens you know how many damn times I tried to get away from this. I went to Paris to get away from this shit and guess what they found me. now guess what I have 24 hour security guards on me I can't get away from this if I could I would.

Sage: why in the hell is their yelling in my house.a girl can't take what like a 20 minute shower with out shit happening what's going on.

Me: Diggy tell her tell her now

Sage: tell me what

Diggy: I can't it's what we have to talk about at dinner

Me: then I will

EJ then cover my mouth and drugged me out the room we listen

Diggy: you ready

Sage: lemme get my shoes and purse

Diggy: you get ready pretty fast

Sage: cause I don't put makeup on like others

Diggy: o

Then they walked out

Me: E y u do that

E: let her find out on her own

Me: y

E: lemme call the girls cause this is some religion probably on her dad side

Sage pov

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