not again

49 0 1

1 month later


Sage didn't forget to get us I was just one of the lucky ones but we all could have seen it coming apple juice was in all of the crimes. the girls got apple juice in their hair I got it on my pants and EJ got hit with a water balloon full of apple juice because it was his idea me and everyone decided that apple juice is what we need to look out for the next prank but anyway we going to chill at the indoor pool today see we know sage doesn't care about getting her hair wet she cares about doing it herself so we as in the boys decided to push the girls. the see it was easy to push Riyah in the pool but Trey and sage wasn't going in easy but when they finally went in Mike and EJ had to hold them and jump in so me being the only dry mf up in here jumped in now see we thought they would have got mad but some how they disappear. next thing I know I'm being drag down when I open my eyes so was Mike and EJ once they new we couldn't move they swam to the top as soon as we got up well me being the last one up and couldn't see because of my hair but anyway. once we got up they were talking having fun splashing each other then someone phone started ringing.

Us: sariyah get your damn phone

She got up to answer when she got there she had a surprise face then she answer and went out that's when sage walked out behind her


by now we were out the pool drying off

Sage: not my grandma no not her what the hell happened

RI: sage

Sage Nah give me a minute

RI came back in and we looked at her

Us: what happend

Now RI is also crying

Us: what's wrong

She look at Trey and shook her head

Boys: what's going on

Everyone just about in tears

Sage:we we got to go back home and pack

EJ: y'all not leaving till we know what's going on

RI: sage well our grandma died

Sage: we we got to go NOW

Trey: back to Detroit

The girls left with out a word they left with out a kiss no smile on their face we left after we got home change and went back to their house we saw sage and Trey out side with blunts and tear stains

Us: hey

Them: sup

Me: y'all good

Them: Nah

Trey: p RI upstairs packing we gon be leaving in a few

I went upstairs

EJ pov

The girls put out they blunts and just stared out in to space with their heads on our chest and we just sat in silence

Sma: o hey boys girls it's time to go sage I want you to drive

Sage: Ight

Sage mama looked worst than all of them

I caught up with sage mama before she got in the car

Me: aye do you think it's okay if we tag along we have nothing else to do

Sma: Yea that would be good for the girls we'll just follow y'all home and wait till you all finish packing

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