Chapter 3

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~Gregory's P.O.V.~

While walking home, I saw a shovel just laying on the ground, by a tree. That probably means that Christophe is near here or something. But why would he leave his shovel? He never does that. I looked up in the tree where it was laying. He was sitting in the tree, but what most popped out to me, were his tear-filled eyes.

Was he crying? No, he never cries, even when he 'died' he still remained calm, I was told.

He stared back at me his big, green eyes glazing with more tears.

"Christophe, you okay?"

He didn't reply, he just sat still. How do I handle this? I have made other people happy when sad, but they had a completely different personality.

I lightly put his shovel down and started to climb up the tree. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him stiffen up. I kept climbing up and got closer to him. He was slightly shaking and had tear stains on his face. He went a little further up the branch trying to get away from me.

"Christophe, what's wrong?" I knew he wasn't going to say anything, but it was worth a try.

"G-go ze fuck away." He quietly studderd

"I am being serious, what is bothering you?"


"Please, you are so upset, whatever is bothering you must be pretty big."

He looked away from me and looked down at the ground below us. The drop is a good eight feet, so if he is thinking of jumping then he is going to really hurt is ankles, and probably not be able to walk away.

He shifted his position so he could easily jump off. I grabbed his wrist tightly before he could jump.

"Ahh!" He winced in pain. I quickly removed my hard grasp and he lightly grabbed his wrist and jumped down from the tree.

To my surprise he didn't fall over. He had landed nicely on the ground, probably from doing this a lot, and he quickly ran away.

I climbed down the tree and made an attempt to run after him, but he was to fast to catch up.

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