Chapter 7

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*Christophe's P.O.V.*

I kept petting the cats on my lap. I honestly love them so much. I saw Gregory sat next to me.

"You know, you can be really cute as much as you hate being called it."

I gave him a glare. I do hate being called cute. I am anything but cute. I suddenly find myself oddly tired, then I lean my head against Gregory, and drift off to sleep.

*Gregory's P.O.V.*

He was leaning on me fast asleep, with two cats in his lap....if that is not cute I don't know what is. We sat like this for a little untill it got fully dark. I noticed that the cats are obviously not going to move, and I did not want to wake Chris. I just decided to pick Christophe up, with the cats still somehow on him. I brought him into my room and layed him on my bed. He turned to his side, and the cats got off of him, then curled up to Chris. I think my heart died at that moment.

I shook off the odd feeling and got a few blankets to lay on the floor. I couldn't fall asleep though. Something about that strange brunette just leaves me dying to know more and more about him. The way he acted, he showed off a mean apperince, but what most peope dont know, is that he hides a broken heart under it.

What day was is tomorrow? Oh yeah, Saturday, I have to get together with Wendy. I honestly hated her, why do I even let her hang around me.

My thoughts somehow slowly transferred back to Christophe again. I wonder what he was hiding, I have a small feeling of what it might be, but I am to scared to come to terms with it. If it was true, I think I would be sick.

There was another thing I noticed about him. He is actually just like a normal person, he just wants love. He denies it like most people, but he wants it more then ever. He also gets cheered up the same way as other people. His personality might be different, but his soul is the same.

I looked at the clock on my wall. 11:42. Wow, that time went by fast, considering it was around 9:30 when I first brought Chris up here. Excepting the fact that it was almost midnight and I was not tired at all, I got up and left my room. I started slowly walking down the stairs to the kitchen and started heating up some chicken.

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