Chapter Sixteen

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Arabella sighed as she sat by the duchess once more. While she was still asleep, the duchess was in a much better state. The doctor had been cryptic and vague about the details of her condition. Arabella was surprised that Jasper would settle for such... Simple and unspecified explanations. Arabella was finally given the chance to hold her hand. "When I first became aware of you..." Arabella paused, choosing her words carefully although the duchess was asleep. "I was terrified. My mother always has the vapors when someone mentions her mother-in-law. But then I met you. You are completely different than my mother. And that's good."

She bit her lip. "I needed someone like you. Your spirit showed me that Jasper couldn't possibly be all bad. Something happened to him, didn't it?" Arabella continued, whispering to herself, "If only I knew what."

"Duchess?" Arabella jumped.

"She is still asleep," Arabella replied, straightening her cotton day dress.

"You're a duchess now, Your Grace," the maid replied, "His Grace, that is the Duke, requests your presence in his study."

"Of course," she replied, surprised that Jasper wanted to be around her. For every step they had taken forward, their relationship had seemed to have taken two leaps back.

She hurried, hoping she didn't look disoriented. She didn't want to anger Jasper by disrespecting him by being late or his title by looking anything less than formal and elegant.

She paused before the door, hearing voices floating out of the space where it had been propped open. Arabella froze. Jasper's cold voice was accompanied by a much more charming and melodious voice. She had heard this voice before. While she was weary of it, she knew how quickly others would fall to it's charisma.

She gathered her bravery and placed her palm on the varnished surface. Her suspensions were confirmed as the door creaked open. "Will? What are you doing here?"

He smirked. "Did you miss me, ma cherie?"

A book almost immediately collided with his thick skull.

"Leave my wife alone," Jasper sighed, barely looking up for the humongous stack of medicinal books in front of him. Arabella knew he wouldn't settle on such a clumsy and basic diagnosis.

She moved closer, wondering what he suspected was affecting his mother. As soon as she was within reading distance, he slammed the book shut. Surprised, she stumbled back. Will caught her, once more attempting to woo her in French. She ripped herself out of his grip and internally growled at him. He was beginning to creep across her nerves.

"If you aren't willing to share information, then why am I here?" she snarled

"Settle down, darling. Savage doesn't suit you."


Jasper wanted to chuckle at her attempt to look threatening. Will was one more sentence from descending into a for of laughing. Even if she was truly making threats, he could divorce her and leave her penniless in minutes. Of course, he would never be that ruthless. There were already too many heartless men and he did not want to make himself another one.

However, he could not ignore the fact that she had potentially poisoned his mother. She was very well educated as well as intelligent- a dangerous combination in a murder. But, in addition, there was Delilah and the entire staff. Perchance his mother had mistaken them for blueberries? No, this was too drawn out.


Jasper had completely forgotten that his wife stood there, waiting and glaring.

He cleared his throat. "As you can see, Will has returned. He has brought along a few guests. The cook awaits your plans for the evening meal."

"When did Will leave? He was with us in the carriages and then disappeared."

"I left when I felt like it. I had matters that needed my direct attention. Not all of us can stay home and look pretty," Will cut in, clearly annoyed that she had referred to him in the third person.

Arabella turned on him and Jasper had no intention on stopping her. Will was getting a little too big for his britches anyway.

"Are you implying that women have no purpose other than to be pretty? If you want a woman who is only pretty I feel badly for you. Good luck finding someone without dreams or hopes. Good luck finding a shell of person. Because I assure you, sir, no good woman ever stays 'just wanting to be pretty' for long. She will learn that she is better than that and eventually, she will realise how special she really is."

As Arabella made her exit, Jasper shouted after her. She stubbornly ignored him.

"She is right, you know."

"I know. She's feisty. No need to worry, Jasper. I like my women a little sweeter."

"I think you should settle down, Will. Marriage would suit you."

"Blasphemy! Now, we have an attempt at murder to solve. And sadly, your beautiful wife is the main suspect."


Sorry that I suck at updating. This one was really hard to wrote for some reason. Anyway, I used a sentence I really liked. If anyone can guess it I will update Wednesday. I will still be updating Friday no matter what! I promise for real this time!!!! Sorry for the shortness. I'm waiting for an explosion chapter....

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